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46 replies
  1. The Oracle says:

    Why do you think Biden is so confident? Why hasn’t he left the campaign?
    Here is the reason
    Within the last two weeks, my circle of friends and colleagues have had their their Twitter, Facebook, Google, YouTube, and MSM account terminated.
    Propaganda and Censorship. 2020 Style. 1984 was old technology.
    Democrats, CNN, ABC, MSNBC, Twitter, Facebook, Google and the rest of the MSM, control the narrative at present time.
    This is unacceptable, our Free Speech and Thoughts are being terminated now, this is Election Interference.
    Edward Snowden was 100% correct, big tech spies on you. MSM and Big Tech controls you.
    Hitler had total and utter control of the Nazi Party, and the Print media, it was called “Reich Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda” controlled by Reich Minister Joseph Goebbles. Modern technology has overtaken the Propangander Ministry Hitler had. BIden and the Democrats now have MSM, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and have total control of your Free Speech. Where is your Constitution now? Trump had better win and terminate this Practice, it Violates the Constitution. Media control and Ballot control, that is the only way they can win.

    Advice , keep all copies of your deleted comments, send copies to Judicial Watch for records, they have ways of bringing this to the forefront. Keep a record of when your Account was terminated,and keep the eMail or other records.

  2. Winnie tha flu says:

    >Bill Clinton: "I did not have s*xual relations with that woman."
    >Hillary Clinton: "I turned over 95% of my work related emails"
    >Joe Biden: "This is a another Russian smear campaign!"

  3. MrMovieflash says:

    Biden's stuttering bothering me! and plus his dementia problem.
    1. He mistook sister as wife.
    2. He called Doug, Kamala's wife
    3. He called Trump George
    4. He is 180 years old
    5. He is running for senate
    6. He called "GOD" the thing
    7. He does not remember Mitt Romney's name.
    6. He said you ain't black if you don't vote for me.
    The list goes on… whenever he speaks…. either he stutters a lot or messed up a lot of things..

    Please God, don't let this .. even worse than devil to get in office even for few months… He is like an old. America and the world can't afford it.. or can't afford Kamala to run the country in socialism. ………

  4. Dave Bentley says:

    Almost a half century of practice lying to America and he still screws it up…..That's pathetic. He should be able to lie while blindfolded and standing on one foot while lighting Hunter's pipe for him by now.

  5. Busa W says:

    What about rest of us paying 10.00 gallon for fuel. He is so full of Crap his eyes are brown !! How will biden heat his 5 houses..on pixie dust??

  6. Don Swietlik says:

    Knowing this every state every county has regulations to protect their Ecosystem's the EPA Should be privatetised no ecosystem is the same from state to state so how can you force one agenda because you have one standard for companies and one for civilians when they cohabitate deadhead's can't think passed a blank piece of paper !

  7. Nicky D. says:

    Biden is a lying dolt but he has a bigger name than harris. She is the leftist's choice and should dirty Joe win, she will inherit the White House. He won't make a full term. God help us all.

  8. dennis voigt says:

    Backdoor headboard Harris will have Pelosi use the 25th amendment to 86 Joe so all the crazies can take over the U.S., driving out business, killing the economy, opening the borders to millions, food lines, no jobs, no fuel for cars or homes, no laws protecting us from government

  9. Aaron Knight says:

    Now that we've all seen Joe's contradicting statements, reporters now need to ask him, 'were you lying to the American people during the primaries or, are you lying now?'

  10. BIGNIC says:

    Have you noticed how Biden has to listen to a question extremely intensive and then takes a second or two before he answers as if he has to process the question and answer. Where Trump knows what the question is even before it is fully asked and he answers immediately. Is there anyone here who doesn't think Biden is cognitively impaired and is getting worse?

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