
Newtown, PA President TRUMP Holds “Make America Great” Rally 10/31/20

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48 replies
  1. Lady Wisewolf says:

    Trump is incredible! He's the Energizer bunny, he never quits! FIVE RALLYS ON MONDAY?!! Wow! I'm exhausted just watching him! He's giving his all to save America, he's the best president in our history. I hope he and his voice can make it through the election. Looking forward to four more years!😀👍🇺🇸

  2. RealEyes says:

    What single individual in the History of the World has stood and faced the globalist and made them shake in their shoes with mortal fear other than We The People's President Donald J. Trump????? ZERO. Barry Soetoro put OUR Country in debt more than all previous Presidents combined. President Donald J. Trump will be to OUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE >>> GREATER than all previous Presidents combined. From Barry > to The Donald = zero > to HERO!!!

  3. Warrior for Christ says:

    One American News we the people of America would like to thank you for being on the right side of History, and shining a light 💡 into the darkness 💡 We will never forget!! That ( ONE AMERICAN NEWS ) fought for, and brought forth the TRUTH, TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, and again, WE THANK YOU. As the saying goes ( 🇺🇸 WWG1-WGA 🇺🇸 ). What a time to be alive. 🙏🏻 God Bless Our Beloved, and Beautiful President Donald J. Trump, and Father, Please Bless Our Nation, and the American people, and the Nation’s of the World. Amen. 🇺🇸✌️🇺🇸

  4. Tracy Holder says:

    We the people will stand up for our country.

  5. Kevin Welch says:

    Ohio for Trump! I voted today, took my wife and 3 adult children along with. All of us cast our ballots for 4 more years of prosperity ! Red wave ! God bless the USA!

  6. Fred Lenway says:

    the man is tireless he's trying to tell every American how much he wants to service.
    if you look at all these done and how hard he's fought in this campaign how can anyone vote against him

  7. Carl NY50 says:

    That is one of the finest speech that he has given.

    I love how Trump exposed the domestic enemies: big Tech, MSM, and the Democrats.

    Please continue to upload these conservative videos because YouTube keep trying to take them down.

    Enemies of the people.

  8. Leo Aguilar says:

    The Bidens, as well as many of the Cabal, are chomping at the bits, to take hold of the WH. The tactics they're using are clear; mail-in voting, ballot drop-box, no I.D. requirement, no signature matching requirement, vote harvesting, etc. Notwithstanding all the ballots that have already been found discarded and missing ballots. They know the only way they, Democrats, can win this election is by cheating. Ladies and gentlemen, if we love our country-if we mean to keep this Republic, we had better show up to vote-IN PERSON! They mean to take this election one way or the other, whether by hook or by crook. The only way we can make certain this does not happen, is to SHOW UP in huge numbers! Do not take this election lightly! Tell 10, 20 or 30 people in your circles why they MUST vote President Trump back in for a 2nd term! If these radicals, Biden & Harris, get in by their cheating, our country ends-America, as we have known it, will come to an absolute stop! You can believe this, or not. But the left has their "Agenda21", and they mean to bring it to fruition-on time. Today, October 31st., voting poles opened and will remain open until Tuesday, November 3rd at 8:00pm. We have ample time and opportunity to spread the word and to go vote our president back into office. If President Donald John Trump is not elected to his 2nd term, say goodbye to The United States Of America! GO AND VOTE!!!

  9. mark boyer says:

    Trump giving the cure / vaccine for free, Gates and Fauci were going to charge $3,120 per patient for remdesivir which is only 40% effective at best. Multiply that times the billions of people they were planning on forcing to take the drug. Globalists like Gates and Fauci ( and Biden ) belong in prison.

  10. Cece Danielsen says:

    I bet the cheater demonKKKrats have truckloads of questionable ballots ready to be sent to the post office on November 3rd. This makes perfect sense because they hardly campaign

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