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30 replies
  1. Bebopper Bott says:

    disband and redo all law enforcement,,crimes pays for both F B I,, C I A,, DNA,,ANY OTHER above to law agents or office,,,,power tripping gone bad,amazing bull chi.woeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee too us

  2. Roy Gane says:

    I heard o’Bummer say he was proud that his administration has did not have any scandal. All those saying different must be wrong despite the hard evidence which exists. Just joshing

  3. michael says:

    Obama’s were behind all of Biden’s criminal dealings. Look, Obama’s had book deals for a huge amount of money! Jobs given to Obama for what he had given these Tech Companies!

  4. David Austin says:

    If Trump and/or any of his relations were involved in the sort of Pay to Play scandal that Joe Biden was involved for years the Judiciary = DOJ would be all over this! Outrageous two tier form of Justice! I live in the UK and I sympathise with the Republican voters having to put up with this BS! Every tentacle of the media like all the tech titans; Facebook, Twitter, Google has been weaponized against President Trump and the Republicans! Very disturbing development in the USA at the moment! I really hope that D. Trump can cut through this to obtain a further 4 years in government!

  5. Frank Cote says:

    Obama and Biden should be held accountable for their actions in court and the Rico act should be enacted to their holdings including properties and financial holdings then the appropriate sentences so that politicians will never do this again and nail all pay for play politicians.

  6. Jay S says:

    If OBummer, truly believed in Sleepy Joe the way he is raving now? Then why pray tell did it take him so long to endorse him?
    He only endorsed him cause at this time and point had no choice.

  7. swareawoman says:

    She looks high ALL the time! Gotta get messed up to tell those lies all day! She's just like a stripper who cant hit the stage without getting intoxicated 1st because the job is a soul killer.

  8. Bradly Baldwin says:

    If anybody is taking a look at China from the past 10 years to the past 20 years to see their economic growth and how much the country's been built up and how much they've come ahead in electronic advances you can only Wonder

  9. Kim A says:

    Obama has all his documents sealed up by Soros…including his real birth certificate. This tells that he is hiding a huge lie. And all the Democrats push is "Trumps taxes". Brainless Libtards!

  10. topdawg411 says:

    Just seeing obummers ugly face gets my blood boiling !!!! It's time to hold this maggot accountable for the overwhelming evidence that clearly proves beyond any reasonable doubt of his corruption, crimes and treasonous actions committed against America and President Trump and every American citizen ! We DEMAND JUSTICE !

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