
Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe told One America’s John Hines about his latest project exposing media bias at ABC News.

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25 replies
  1. Jeffro 503 says:

    O'Keefe is awesome at what he and PV do. I love seeing him expose these media outlets for who / what they really are. Far left , lying lunatics!

  2. Warlock 06 says:

    Liberals dont care they are being lied to as long as the lie is what they want to hear. Liberals get angry when the truth is more like a lie to them because they dont want to hear the truth.

  3. Peter Fitzpatrick says:

    Tom Fitton is another hero who needs support from everyday americans…
    Judicial Watch is doing what the DOJ / FBI SHOULD be doing… 🤗
    God bless & protect these TRUE patriots !!! 😎👍

  4. RAPTOR 01 says:

    The mainstream media is on a mission to perpusly miss lead the people, as part of a much wider agenda to destroy our culture, and country! Make no mistake about it! They are pure EVIL!!

  5. Donald Piniach says:

    The poor health and reputation of the msm is self inflicted.
    Borrowing from Clemens, if you don't read the papers, you are uninformed, if you do read the papers, you are misinformed.

  6. Truth B Known says:

    I love James O'Keefe's work. I love how he got Rutgers to remove Lucky Charms from The Breakfast menu because his an Irish man he found it insulting.

  7. D man says:

    The reckoning is happening now.what the fools in the msm dont seem to understand,is once what they push is inacted ,theyre toast.first thing to be stomped to death,is a free press,but youd think all those well paid college graduates would see that.thats just how well their indoctrinated!! Theyre pushing their own demise,and cant even see it .well done ,communist educational centers,well done.

  8. Cloud9 says:

    OH NO!! Say it's NOT TRUE!! It CAN'T BE! The "media has a "PROBLEM""? NOOOO?! MSM is "CORRUPT"? NOOO?! WHO the hell would have thought it was even REMOTELY POSSIBLE??!! THAT IS JUST PLAIN CRAZY TALK there, that's what THAT there is! CONSPIRACY THEORY, white racist, homophobic, women hating … HATE SPEECH … yeah, THAT'S what THAT is, HATE SPEECH!! DON'T LISTEN ETHEL!! HE'S A PINK'O COMMIE. THAT'S WHAT HE IS!!

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