
America’s pollsters swayed the 2020 election in favor of candidate Joe Biden and the mainstream media played a bigger role in convincing Americans to unquestioningly accept the questionable election results. OAN’s Caitlin Sinclair and Richard Pollock examine media’s effort to anoint Biden the winner.

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44 replies
  1. Zeed says:

    This is actually America 🇺🇸 vs these biased❌💯📵media.

    I believe America 🇺🇸 will win against these biased media.

  2. sempronivs densvs says:

    Under Arminius, Germanic tribes annihilated 3 Roman Legions. Rome's greatest defeat was a turning point in world history. Germany’s failed Romanization has largely led to WW1, WW2, naz*ism.
    From hostage of the Roman Empire as a child, Arminus became Roman citizen & knight. Sent to Germany to complete its conquest, in fact he organised the revolt against Rome, and in an ambush 3 legions were annihilated.

    The worst enemies are the fake republicans telling you to give up freedom & legality. They are behind your President…to stab Him in the back, like Rom*ney or Fo*x news. US Patriots HOLD THE LINE !

  3. R P says:

    It's not mainstream media it's the 77 million that voted for Biden may God bless America and may God bless our new president Joseph R Biden

  4. Sergio Carolina says:

    I'd say Biden has 1 to 2 years to live if his age doesn't catch up with him too fast,democrats have it in their head that Hillary lost because Russia and a sexist system. I think they'll say Biden got the virus and died making him a martyr ,"respecting his last wishes,to fight this flu at all costs.

  5. Unsearchable Things says:

    “The AP has, without any authority, illegally called the election for Joe Biden.

    See more lies from Google”

    “Zero and non-robust safeguards are in place to protect election security”

  6. Needsanonymity says:

    Coupled with Big Tech, the monster of the mainstream media could very well be unbeatable? Why? Because it is getting worse every day if you look closely at INCREASING exposure to their messages through constant saturation points on our phones. With Fox now owned by leftist, the very sanctuary of the right's true news is on platforms easily targeted by Big Tech; bringing with it a true sense of despair.

  7. Mark Penland says:

    Aloha All, marxist main stream corporate media is a massive agent provocateur propaganda apparatus dedicated to marxist globalist BIG BROTHER/BIG TECH ELITIST TYRANNY & PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS CORRECT= THEY ARE "ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE" BEWARE DANGER=FASCIST LEFTIST 5TH COLUMN WILL DICTATE UNLESS WE STOP THE DEMONRATS & THEIR MINIONS, NOW! Mark RN, retired

  8. Nick Kelly says:

    the AP, Associated Press called the election, they also told Americans during the early days of Donald Trump's Presidency that the Bust of MLK was removed from Oval Office. Rotten to the Core!

  9. grayeagle says:

    The AP Called. That's good news for Trump supporters. Because if the AP said it and it has to do with Trump, then you know it's a lie. And you know you can guarantee that, for sure! Hell yea! Trump 2020 wins big!

  10. Old Schooler says:

    The Main Stream Media has far too much power and too little oversight worldwide and this has to change dramatically. We are facing the very same Problems here in Germany, Our Government is working hand in hand with the media to control us and to tell us what to believe.

  11. the real truth matters continue the search always says:

    Call this conspiracy if you want but i believe its the truth and there are scientists and doctors who have spoken up about where the covid 19 originated from and it wasn't from bats. but they were silenced. In my opinion this is a belivable truth about it I've seen this information somewhere but its hard to find anything about the real truth because everything is deleted and censored. since 9-11 200 generals said thats enough the came up with a plan!!! and they came out with a massive deployment of 5g technology in Wuhan China people started getting sick with flu like symptoms because 5g is harmful to human cells and interferes with the immune system the people in wuhan went to the hospital where they were given a vaccine that actually has the covid 19 virus in it!!! And the virus was allowed to spread across the world people please wake up and stop voting for the sick criminal establishment they need to all be thrown out of office as well quite a few of them Joe biden better not become president either that would be the worst mistake in American history id say for certain but with the America example On the other side will call it the more truthful side President trump knows all about these sick people and what they try to do to destroy families hes standing up for Americans hes making sure you keep your freedoms and your rights and jobs to a sense so we have to be really careful now more then ever who we vote in and we need to stand up to the corrupt politicians and say No!!! we need to take our power back we need to be the change that we wish to see

  12. the real truth matters continue the search always says:

    justin Trudeau needs to get thrown right out office do not vote for him in the next election Joe biden can't be president either other leaders need to be thrown out of office to but there are still some good leaders we all can't afford more closures and lock downs to our family run private businesses our economy will fail and we could get taken over by another country possibly many things can and will happen with this look the lock downs or closures are obviously not working supposed case numbers are still on the rise all as this is doing is giving the rich 1 percent more of a chance to profit big$$$ and they are well everyone else suffers the richest will buy the unused office space restaurants etc to gain as much land as they can and corrall us all like a flock of sheep into smaller pieces of land together like blind sheep in a barn to fully enslave and or kill us who knows there's just so many corrupt things going on. I dont know whats going on really with the covid camps/ detention centers there is one in Manitoba the members in the community have spoken up about. But justin obviously is continuing to deny anything but obviously there is alot of very corrupt and dark things going on behind the scenes the richest of the rich 1 percent have made there plans clear about a global agenda one world government population control the great reset martial law what ever you want to call it they are not completely quiet about it if you really listen to the things those people say

  13. UncleRico says:

    ***BREAKING NEWS***************Biden has been appointed by the AP to be the new host of Jeopardy. He will be hosting live from Guantanamo bay starting December 14th. Biden’s son Hunter will join him on the show from Guantanamo bay but his roll is expected to be limited to cleaning the toilets and sweeping the floors. Trump 2020💪💪💪💪🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  14. Angela R says:

    The ballot counting overseers were denied access…what more evidence of fraud does one need? What is transparent about covers being placed over the ballot counting windows? Something to hide??

  15. Dan Gamer says:

    The MSM is the single, most evil thing in this country. It's literal mind control/brainwashing. I've seen people I know just turn into crazy people since 2016 because of the MSM. People have turned on friends and family because of the MSM

  16. africkinamerican says:

    You need to talk to Rod Blagojevich, former governor of Illinois, who had his sentence commuted by President Trump . He has been doing a podcast _(it's quite easy to find) where he has been calling this out right election fraud. Also he said prior to the election that the polls were obviously fake. The guy knows about polling, political corruption, including election fraud ( which he said he never engaged in or knowingly benefited from) .

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