
Opa-Locka, FL President TRUMP Holds “Make America Great” Rally 11/1/20

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41 replies
  1. mike dar says:

    There has been discussion about 'Green New Deal' and energy prices increasing… but little said on the basis…. we would be buying, according to numbers on Biden's website and current EPA restrictions, 1.5 million Solar cell panels from China. China not having American EPA restrictions that address the terrible toxin generation inn making Solar panels. While China doesn't have those extreme restrictions… then pollutants get into the water, into the ocean… and worldwide basis we still have a environmental pollution just as bad as the Energy sources used now as a excuse… to go Solar.
    Also China has little restriction on mining, the preponderance of Rare Earths, metals, needed for magnets in Wind Turbines- Biden proposes 60,000 new Windmills.
    What is a accomplished then…. is China has as much hold on Energy production in America, as China has a hold on Drug production.. or several other areas like electronics.
    One has to fear… people who say,,, 'Well, we had to do SOMETHING!!!!!'. In this case the something becomes no China solar and wind, no American electrical distribution.
    America then obviously needs a different answer… either change the EPA restrictions which Biden and Green new deal, opposes changing… go figure… or a new alternative entirely… which existing providers oppose.
    LFTR is the only "Solution". THAT… is being explored by… none other than by..CHINA.. and Russia too. but not hardly in America

  2. Dawn Walden says:

    Trump isn't president by sheer luck! God put him there and He isn't finished with him yet! We got this! Need to add another term too,because of the impeachment BS! Trump 2020! Love you and appreciate you!
    5 rallies in one day!!!! Impressive!

  3. tecx37 says:

    TRUMP FOREVER ❤️ I just love him. I was so happy I got to see him speak at a rally last week. Drove from Rhode Island to New Hampshire all by myself. I teared up when I watched him leave on Air Force one. He is one tough man and a true inspiration. We love you Trump

  4. ernest o'day says:

    God i love Trump. I prey to God to keep him and his family safe. I prey to god the retarded left doesn't find a way to steal the presidential election from him. God bless you Mr President. God bless your family.

  5. DTOM, ¿eStamos? says:

    The most loved president ever and the greatest ever too. If the Dems claim victory it is because of fraud and cheating and it must not be tolerated. In all fairness, we deserve an extra four years; Trump's first term with the full power of the presidency and a government carrying out his orders has not yet begun. We must vote and overwhelm the fraud and defend our president with all the rights guaranteed by the constitution.

  6. Nicholas Tsaclas says:

    We interrupt this program for a breaking news special report. Our sources have confirmed that Joe Biden has actually received a vote in the state of Delaware. We have not yet identified who this individual is but when we do we will bring this to you. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program. Oh…by the way….President Trump has won reelection. 😂

  7. Sammy Sneed says:

    We don’t need a Democrat party or a weak Republican “like Bush , McCain , no balls Romney, etc.”. We need a Nationalist party that does what needs to be done for our country and holds traitors accountable. America First.

  8. William Farr says:

    I've followed all our presidents rallies thus far, I did miss this one last night, however I'm watching it now, LOL!
    FOUR MORE YEARS – Support Our Police – Law & Order – God Bless America… ( 1 ) day remains & I feel a HUGE Red Wave coming folks!… :~)

  9. Fred Lenway says:

    I hope the president's efforts over the last few months is a symbol to all Americans.
    even though you deserve something doesn't mean you may not have to work your tail off to get it.
    if all of us could work as hard as this man is worked over the last several months actually for the last four years we can achieve whatever we set our mind to.
    this president has given us all an example of when you really want something you will do whatever it takes to achieve that goal no matter how demanding it might be.
    I cannot imagine a better example to my children my grandchildren to Americans in general when you want something in this country you can go out and get it just look at our president and how hard he's worked let's all do the same

  10. Les Blat says:

    Once again the fate of the world lies in the hands of the great people of America. I know you won't let us down.
    God bless Trump
    God bless the American people.

  11. William Farr says:

    What is happening all across this nation is unprecedented. It warms my heart to see the American people coming together like this. The American people are speaking LOUD & CLEAR!
    The American people have come to love their President & it is on FULL display for all to see… :~)
    Close to ( 4 ) years of relentless attacks from the Washington, DC " Swamp Creatures " & this president has accomplished far more than any president in recent memory, therefor Donald J. Trump deserves ( 4 ) more years & We The People will make it happen… A RED WAVE the likes of which nobody has ever seen is coming folks!… :~)

  12. Experts say: says:

    Why don't we call them out for what they are?…corporate media. THEY decided and love the label Main Stream Media (MSM) as it sidelines propper reporting like yourself.

  13. virginia rogers says:

    TRUMP is our road to FREEDOM in AMERICA!!!!!, Biden is the road to SOCIALISM & COMMUNISM!!!!, VOTE. TRUMP , VOTE TRUMP, VOTE TRUMP!!! BEST PRESIDENT this COUNTRY has ever had!!!!!!!! GO VOTE for FREEDOM!!!! TRUMP!!

  14. virginia rogers says:

    TRUMP is our road to FREEDOM in AMERICA!!!!!, Biden is the road to SOCIALISM & COMMUNISM!!!!, VOTE. TRUMP , VOTE TRUMP, VOTE TRUMP!!! BEST PRESIDENT this COUNTRY has ever had!!!!!!!! GO VOTE for FREEDOM!!!! TRUMP!!

  15. virginia rogers says:

    TRUMP is our road to FREEDOM in AMERICA!!!!!, Biden is the road to SOCIALISM & COMMUNISM!!!!, VOTE. TRUMP , VOTE TRUMP, VOTE TRUMP!!! BEST PRESIDENT this COUNTRY has ever had!!!!!!!! GO VOTE for FREEDOM!!!! TRUMP!!

  16. virginia rogers says:

    TRUMP is our road to FREEDOM in AMERICA!!!!!, Biden is the road to SOCIALISM & COMMUNISM!!!!, VOTE. TRUMP , VOTE TRUMP, VOTE TRUMP!!! BEST PRESIDENT this COUNTRY has ever had!!!!!!!! GO VOTE for FREEDOM!!!! TRUMP!!

  17. virginia rogers says:

    TRUMP is our road to FREEDOM in AMERICA!!!!!, Biden is the road to SOCIALISM & COMMUNISM!!!!, VOTE. TRUMP , VOTE TRUMP, VOTE TRUMP!!! BEST PRESIDENT this COUNTRY has ever had!!!!!!!! GO VOTE for FREEDOM!!!! TRUMP!!

  18. Ordinary Mo says:

    I did not vote for the person, I voted for the platform. I voted for the second Amendment. I voted for the next supreme court justice. I voted for the electoral college, and the Republic that we live in. I voted for the Police, and law and order. I voted for the military, and the veterans who fought for and died for this Country. I voted for the Flag that is always missing from the Democratic background. I voted for peace, not war. I voted to bring manufacturing, jobs and economic growth back to America.
    I voted for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I voted for secure borders. I voted for the farmers. I voted for the right to praise my God without fear. I voted for our children to receive a proper education instead of indoctrination. I voted for every unborn soul that the murderous Planned Parenthood wants to abort. I voted for the right to keep my Doctor and the right to choose my own health care plan. I voted for freedom and the American Dream. I voted for good and against evil. I voted for the future of my Country.
    I voted early, I voted in person and I voted a straight red ticket. If anyone sees me as an idiot for voting for Trump then that's their problem, not mine.

  19. Rodger Mcnamer says:

    This election is about a battle for good and evil look at the platforms of people stand on Trump speaks for the good Biden speaks for the evil of bail look at the hometown or bidens from most of the people there even hate him

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