I’m convinced that whenever you step up a level in life, or even want to, there will be an inevitable opposition of resistance against you; especially spiritually speaking. It was designed this way.
It’s almost as if the devil is allowed to try send stronger winds on your sea of progress based on how big our ships gets, and how fast we are going towards our destination. And the crazy thing is, God allows that opposition for our growth.
Each degree up we take brings new demons down on us; in other words, new levels in life will bring new devils in life. And those devils give us the resistance we need to grow to greatness. We just can’t let the water into our ship and allow it to sink us. If there’s no enemy within us, no enemy from the outside can stop us. Only we can stop ourselves.
Some would be scared and deliberately sabotage their growth because of this principle, but we weren’t destined to stay stagnant. We are destined for a fullness of divinity. And that will take a lot of growth from the painful blessing of opposition.