
Obama-era officials are facing mounting pressure amid allegations the former administration spied on the 2016 Trump campaign. One America’s Chanel Rion has more in this exclusive report.

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42 replies
  1. lithuanian hammer says:

    i really wish these bastards would go to jail but i have been hearing this for 3 years and not one of these top officials did one day in prison. what is wrong with our laws, obviously something is wrong to let all these bastards get away with all this. hillary should be in prison. and all the rest of the deep state traitors who live in chinas back pocket. god dam communist sell outs, every one of them.

  2. Cole Son says:

    WOW. This is Huge Thanks for the Truth. President Trump is Beyond super human to go up against Trillions of dollars stacked against him to destroy him. Trump 2020 👍 Bring down the criminal pedophile deep state.

  3. Sammy Peterson says:

    I hope that all players in the deep state. Must be held accountable By a Military tribunal for the crimes of TREASON aginst our United States Of America. Rep what you Sow Dems. I here the weather is nice in GITMO.

  4. 79tazman says:

    Corrupt Obama and his little criminal puppets did a hell of a lot more criminal acts then just this but they will never go down for it because the Justice system in this Country is rigged but I hope to see people go down for what they did to Trump and his Campaign officials

  5. 79tazman says:

    The criminals thought that Clinton was going to win and Clinton would of sweep it under the carpet because the corrupt criminals did a lot of sweeping for Hillary and Bill but Trump won so they had to make up some BS that Trump was colluding with Russia and make up all the other BS that went along with it. I hope all the criminals involved burn in hell for what they have done because that's the least that should happen but before that they should be in a cage where criminals ought to go since they like throwing Innocent people in there after making up BS.

  6. Sharron Clark says:

    This is why there is sooo much civil unrest in this country today! No one resects the authorities anymore cause the only ones that go to jail are the ones that aren't bought off! The little guys and the ones that aren't in the loop!

  7. Sharron Clark says:

    Until the athorities start holding these criminal accountable and putting them in jail! Civil unrest will get worse! When they prosecute and jail the real crooks and stop locking up those not in the loop!

  8. goud resarf says:

    Wow. What in hell is a Popacropofus. What ever their on sure has them screwed up. All they think about is Oboma. What about pandemicgate.

  9. Leo Orlando says:

    No wonder Obama hates Flynn so much. Flynn is a faithful Catholic-Christian and family man, and Obama detests Christians, whether Catholic or Protestant.

  10. James Owsley says:

    Obama, Hillary both hang…
    Hillary even said.."if trump wins we all hang".
    She willingly committed treason and would kill us all before giving up $1dollar.
    Nothing will happen..lol..

  11. Edward Puddy says:

    The American people want heads to roll. How the stupid people could ever elect someone like Obama I can only say the election had to be rigged just like his re election was. No one who does as sorry a job as Obama did in his first 4 can be re elected like he was. And left America the worse off for it

  12. Seriously Though says:

    The FBI summarized: The FBI is headquartered in the J. Edgar Hoover Building. J. Edgar Hoover violated the Constitution of the United States of America every year that he was head of the FBI. The FBI still has not changed the name of their headquarter building.

  13. Rick in Texas says:

    What the Obama administration did to George Papadopolous and Gen. Flynn is disgusting. Unfortunately nothing will happen to the people who did this, they will all walk away clean. The swamp is deep.

  14. Lou 13 says:

    Dumb conspiracy people. Nothing going to happen. Republican are funny. Real news is fake an fake news is real with you people. Ha ha ha

  15. David Taylor says:

    Pain? No, the only thing that is coming is more of the same old bs. Nothing is going to happen to anyone besides maybe a few lackeys. Same ol' same ol'…

  16. Wylde Recluse says:

    I am so sick of hearing this BS!! The only pain is what Americans are suffering at the hands of domestic terrorists and a spineless, gutless government that is proficient at blowing smoke up people’s asses. And cult followers stupid enough to perpetuate this destruction of America.

  17. Joseph D'Bennidetto says:

    There better be arrests AND capital punishment. You think this country is burning now. You have no idea what will happen if these criminals get away with their crime's against the Nation in the last four years. Not to mention the last 28 yrs.

  18. James Taylor says:

    If they are not brought to justice there will definitely be Civil War in the streets and We the People will have our justice one way or another. Those responsible for having victimized the American people will be dragged through the streets. Mussolini will have had a lighter sentence in comparison.There will be no peace until there is justice. There will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. To Antifa and sponsors, to all Republican rhino's and the entire Democratic party (hierarchy) you are Hereby placed on notice, the day of reckoning will soon be at Hand. We will collect our reparations in the form of good old fashioned justice… Prepare for the pain!

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