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36 replies
  1. Diiriye Som says:

    Top Secret Meeting Of Conspiracy To Steal The Election Leaked.


    Dems leadership

    Excutives of Big Media ABC NBC CBS CNN NYT WaPo

    The Media will flood the airwaves and in print with fake Polls giving Biden up to 10 point lead to justify the massive voter fraud.

  2. grayeagle says:

    Man it would be a blessing from God if Bolton goes to prison. I pray he does go to prison. Think of how many people are dead now due directly to Bolton being a war hawk against small countries. I love it when bullies get theirs. His hatred of Trump now shows how ungrateful he is.

  3. Sleepless Rug says:

    I do believe that the government religiously practice their ways in the abomination of the lord. They lie and say “in God we trust “ on our money. Money is a manipulator of power and control and lies. And most of the pockets are on powerful people. The investment made through the years became seen in MK ultra. That idea and practice still lies to this day. Media is the worst they show no truth. You have to look through other countries to see what’s happening in the world . What we see is filtered and agents are place to provoke and cause distortion through race economic issue. School are the biggest crooks. In the 40s rockafeller and Jp Morgan talked the schooling and education in order to suppress the progression of people’s lives . Simply by teaching you the basic needs of reading and writing. Till you are 18 and become an adult who decides to progress his knowledge is given a 50 to 80k dollar debt. Where is the progress. By the time that person makes his connections in the world he is worn down depressed and broke before he achieves. Complacency goes into that man. Kids that come from rich families are already tide into powerful connections are given the secrets to the game and connections in his life that will make him powerful but in return he serves under that evil. Kids now stay home and what happens to the social Media and marketing. They went even more crazy knowing kids are at home. They are brainwashing these kids and filling their head with sex drugs and growing criminals. When you have enough criminal minded people . Piss them off and racially cause havoc causing riots and murders the point where it is so dangerous, store don’t open to you , then resources and aid run under control of the government because without you die. They will force you to submit and control you. They are subliminally changing the world as we speak. They plague the world with panic distress poverty and terror. They will not fight them selves but put us in the front lines to take a bullet. Then they give you a boot for your trouble. They tell soldier to kill that man believed they are serving gods will. The government tells you they fall under god an growing up praising a flag that doesn’t represent the lord. Our flag is history or war and murder , rape , plague , and corruption, how does red white and blue mean under god we trust. The foolish thing I been bread to believe is that I been following gods wishes and believe in my government. I have NO faith to what they serve because the power supports the devil and that is the God on our money. God doesn’t exist in the government. the government honors a false god. If you speak against it then you are black listed and casted out. For more proof of the abomination of God look at the law that was passed. Sb 145 !!!!! Now a grown man can have sex with 10 yr old boys. And not be charge federally as long as the child give consent. They want to damage your kids and invite vengeful father crimes. You take away police so u can invoke more crime. It only invites your army who has no face and wears no names to to control you. Look at portal and and these agents I do believe came from the-training grounds under the mountains. They are normalizing sexual predators and saying it’s ok. All media apps including this one are used as see what your thinking watching you trough tick tok face book etc. these are babysitting apps to watch us and they are always a step ahead. Your phone that you are watching this on is watching you so they can market and Manipulate you. The government will die and a new one will rise and it won’t happen until a massive unrest. If Donald trump is elected war will happen in america. If Biden is elected I feel war will happen. We arnt given choice to elect. It’s already Pre-destined though the elites that control everything! Be woke people be very woke !!!

  4. gareth jordan says:

    203,171 covid deaths 6,925,941 covid cases and counting even after the WH took control of hospital data from the CDC and test centres being closed down, 1000 americans are dying every day from the Trump virus, 'it is what it is' says the impeached 'i dont take responsibility at all' bone spurs grifter of a president who is responsible for 40 million people being evicted from their homes due to his incompetence………….

  5. David Philippi says:

    There's three primary reasons for Bolton's BS.
    1. He's been overcome with TDS and holds a grudge against the President.
    2. He has his hands down Soros pants.
    3. Make even more money because he knows the Lefts Sheeple will by the book.
    I know, I left out he's a war mongering a**hat that got his toys taken away.

  6. toledo144 says:

    Used to admire Bolton; he's lost all credibility. He's a war hawk and upset with the President for not agreeing with him. Trump wants peace through strength, and wants to get us out of endless wars.

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