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21 replies
  1. Henry Wayne says:

    You really think a 757 disappeared inside that hole in the Pentagon on 9/11? Why was the Pentagon not defended? Why did Cheney watch the (plane?) for miles before (it?) hit the Pentagon and did nothing to stop it? Is Cheney and Hunter Biden hiding together?

  2. gar fin says:

    it's obvious the Mueller investigation had 2 directives, prosecute process crimes if committed, if not make them up AND gather all evidence of the attempted coup so it could never be used to prosecute them…I'm sure much has been destroyed, but much hasn't…too useful.

  3. • Salt Rock says:

    Charge them with everything you can. Charge everyone around them with accessory to committing a crime, round there ass up like it’s a nation wide gang wrangling and I bet after a little good cop bad cop someone will talk. Add the fear of mysteriously dying while being detained in prison will help the cause.

  4. Joseph Traina says:

    LOOK AMERICA this is ALL a big joke on us. Phones intentionally wiped and not one damn THING WILL EVER BE DONE TO any OF THEM.I am actually at the point now ,where I am confused as to who the enemy actually is.More precisely who is involved in all this nonsense.All the laws I see being broken by all these officials and politicians and NO ONE is ever held accountable.Sometimes it makes me wonder,if we are NOT ALL BEING PLAYED.

  5. Nick English says:

    Durham’s not messing around with this Russia probe investigation and I don’t care if this Russia probe investigation hurts joe Biden politically because the American people need to know the truth about what really happened into the Russia probe investigation they spyed on President trump campaign and they leaked classified information to the Russians to allow Russian agents and Russian whistleblowers to undermine us national security and at the same time OBOMAs FBI and joe Biden and OBOMAs FBI Director Jim comey and OBOMAs CIA Director John Brennen and FBI lawyers peter struzk and lesa page leaked classified information to the Russians to allow Russia to illegally interfere in the 2016 presidential election to allow Russia to help Hillary Clinton Cheat in the 2016 presidential election and it was joe Biden that protected Hillary Clinton from being investigated by the FBI and DoJ and CIA and at the same time allow Russian agents and Russian whistleblowers to spy on people associated with the trump campaign and undermine us national intelligence and us national security and after the election Kevin Kleinsmeth signed that FISA warrant to go after president trump presidency to undermine president trump presidency and who told Kleinsmith to sign that FISA warrant to allow Russian agents to spy on president trump presidency to undermine president trump presidency joe Biden and Robert Muller

  6. Steve Scanlon says:

    Let's defund the DOJ. I think they have proven we would be better off with 95% fewer crooked attorneys and deep staters in the DOJ than we are with them. The bloated federal bureaucracy only "protects" politicians. So, as taxpayers, we should think of the federal bureaucracy as a paid benefit exclusively for the political class. They should have a portion of the cost of these departments added to their individual income as a taxable "benefit." (Of course, Democrat politicians don't pay their taxes – which is another benefit. They are allowed to be above the law.)

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