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40 replies
  1. André Custódio says:

    Here in Brazil, if you don't speak English or follow social media, and you solely rely on TV, you know nothing about what's going on in the US election. They never show all the fraud taking place, they are way more worse than US media.

  2. PRO says:

    He jailed the NYC mafia he can catch these scumbags at cheating. Where is your evidence demo rats sworn affidavit with perjury if you lie which means jail

  3. A Tale of Two Mice says:

    BE PART OF THE PATRIOT RALLY IN WASH. D.C. THIS SATURDAY NOV. 14th – – Join the Million Maga March! Timing is crucial. Please tell your friends! If you can't come please spread the word via social media THANKS!

  4. Jimmy Toetoe says:

    Democrats have been doing this for decades, we need every vote from every state recounted, there is no way this hasn't happened in every state. Once it comes out that the Democrats deliberately engaged in voter fraud and believe me it will the next step is to get the Democrat party abolished from ever working in government, there's more then 2 parties to choose from and it's time we did. Start mandatory recount for every election from now on. The American citizens vote hasn't meant anything for decades, it's time that's changed.

  5. James Linnstrom says:

    80 million mailing ballots mean only one thing: voter frauds in industrial scale. Every other country that tried large scale mail in voting concluded the same thing. It ALWAYS lead to frauds and wrong election results. We now have the consequence of that intentional move by the Dems to mail out 80 million ballots: We have no idea how much frauds have been committed in this election. Potentially it is MASSIVE. We simply do not know. That is the deepest problem of this 80 million mailed out ballots.

    The only fair solution is to redo the election. The other solution is to take a year off to figure out the true results.

  6. Bluegrass Rules says:

    If the Trump Administration would have put Hillary, Comey, Brennan, and the other FBI criminals in Prison 2.5 years ago, I don't think these Democrats scum would be as eager the lie, cheat, and steal votes in this past election. We have to start "making prisoners" out of these criminals or this crap will only get worse. Democrats are the ones that fought for Mail-In Paper Ballots that required no signature and could be turned in 10 days after election day and the Republicans set on their thumbs and let them do it. Some Republicans are fine with Trump being ousted from the WH because they have been paid off. I'm tired of it!!

  7. J T says:

    Trump will prevail. Biden will never ever see the walls of the Oval Office but he and Hunter may see the
    walls of their cell. Further more, many world leaders are in support of President Trump.

  8. B LAM says:

    Like I've said in the past ,while you're complaining about the cheating that everyone knows happened the children of the devil are making sure that the trump ballots are destroyed so if a recount happens their still covered and 47 years of NOTHING wins.

  9. The Last Swedish Viking says:

    Trump is more relaxed than ever… let's play some golf… let Buyden play "pretend president" a couple of weeks… at least we know Trump is going to win in the end… wait… wait… hold on… what Hunter, you need more ink?… (Psst! he thinks i'm in on it)

  10. Betelhem H says:

    Imagine if the Trump administration would've done everything in the power to ensure resources were provided so the elections could've been held safe and secure to their liking. Could've had asked for twice as many poll watches be provided. Guess what their complaints would've been taken a lot more seriously. You know it kinda loses some of it's legitimacy when you claim fraud for months even before a single vote was cast. Stand up at a rally and tell your own supporters to vote twice. Allow your post master to run a muck. Then on election night call to stop the vote counting in states you're ahead in but turn right around call to keep counting votes in states you're behind.

  11. mighead1 says:

    After Trump and Biden "did" PA…Biden did not get even A SINGLE DONATION!!! Then he bragged about getting $100M in donations from PA. IF that was TRUE (unlikely as it seems in perfect hindsight!!!)…then his "hoped for" donation…ie, bailout!!! from Little Mikey (Bloomberg) probably was ALL of his (fantasy) $100m. In my math…going from ZERO to $100 million is a rather LARGE STRETCH!!!

  12. mighead1 says:

    Are the people in PA supposed to forget that basically the first thing Trump did on taking office was to reopen the PA Steel Plants???!!! NOT LIKELY!!! And I think Biden talked a lot about fixing Trump's foreign policies…like making friends with China when he was there!!! NOT SMART!!! As for MI – where are all of those auto parts being made now??? You guessed it!!! BIDEN'S FAVORITE COUNTRY!!! My GUESS is that Trump probably got a landslide in both states!!!

  13. carolyn thompson says:

    You go Rudy! It's awesome to hear there are 60-70 witnesses willing to come forward on the fraud. It would be even better to hear Pennsylvania is overturned and all the fraud exposed and illegal ballots thrown out.👍👍

  14. J&ARice says:

    Any person who is hurt or has a business damaged when Trump gets reelected should sue Social Media and the Fake News Networks including Fox for promoting the false narrative that Biden won and censuring the truth.

  15. Bitter Clinger says:

    Did you guys ever cheat on a test in school and get caught? Let me ask you, maybe you only cheated on one question, yeah? What happened to that WHOLE test once you were caught despite only being caught for a little cheating?

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