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43 replies
  1. Ala Okelly says:

    Lol manufactured votes! Ever consider that buden just got more mail in votes oh yes you have as this has been your plan for months trying to undermine the mail in voting system

  2. Rino Stoof says:

    Before going to bed last night I had a number of tabs lined up to watch, Hanity, Tucker, Rudy etc. This morning the videos are no longer available.. The youtube icon should be blue..

  3. Sal Oregel says:

    Rudy take these scumbagss down!! We aren’t going to let them get away with this!!! I’m going out every weekend to fight and support our champion Trump !! We will win and Trump is our president !!

  4. Freddy Baez says:

    He said he has evidence of fraudulent ballots pictures where are they? I can see alright the con job Giuliani is trying to pull hes saying trump won by a landslide and they haven't even started a recount yet…..lol Trump is firing the wrong people he needs to get rid of Giuliani and the mess he's creating and at the end trump the one that looks bad 👎

  5. A B says:


    – President Trump

  6. John Amos Knight says:

    In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; Oh Abba Adonai Elohim Yahweh, Lord God; in the name of Jesus Christ, and St Mary the blesses virgin mother of God;

    Lord God I pray because of Donald Trump's state and Federal lawsuits and official recounts under court ordered strict Republican supervision; Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin, Alaska, and North Carolina are all officially called if favor of Donald Trump by the electoral college or Congressional legislation.

    Exodus 14:13 Moses answered the people, "Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the LORD will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again.

    Lord God I pray Donald Trump wins the 2020 presidential election and serves a consecutive second 4-year term as president of the United States.

    Oh Abba Adonai Elohim Yahweh, Lord God; in the name of Jesus Christ, and St Mary the blessed virgin mother of God; In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit Amen.

  7. George G says:


  8. Ed Ropper says:

    New subscriber here..Thank god after hours of searching the web and youtube I can finally get some information regarding this attempted fraud on this election..Shit's getting scary

  9. mighead1 says:

    This was a MASSIVE effort to take out an AMERICAN ELECTION. There were MANY, MANY, MANY PEOPLE and GROUPS PARTICIPATING IN A COMBINED EFFORT TO OVERRULE A PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. BY MANY WAYS. BALLOT STUFFING (Boxes of THOUSANDS OF BALLOTS BROUGHT IN BY TRUCKLOADS – ALL FOR BIDEN). Raising of dead voters…by something like 1.8 million???!!! Rigging of the Voting Machines in 30 of the 50 states. Voting kept open for many days. I think the law requires one day ending at 7PM???!!! IMO: THE MOST CORRUPT ELECTION IN AMERICAN HISTORY. IMO: this is TREASON against the legal voting rights of the American Citizens and HOPEFULLY gets the MAX PENALTY FOR ALL OF THE PEOPLE INVOLVED!!! AND THERE WERE MANY, MANY, MANY INVOLVED. THIS WAS MANY COORDINATED ILLEGAL ACTIVITIES ON A NATION-WIDE LEVEL. THIS CANNOT STAND IN THE AMERICA WE KNOW AND LOVE!!!

  10. Stephen Brawner says:

    Sadly nothing will be done. The politicians and news media run this country and can get away with anything they want to. Until we stand up to them nothing will change. I for one am tired of participating in this crooked countries pretend freedoms. If Rudy has proof that Biden was funneling money from China why doesn't he go to jail? He won't, neither will Hillary, or Obama, all of them have committed crimes that would send a normal citizen to prison for years.

  11. Tellit likeitis says:

    you know I've listened to this back and forth now since the election.
    then I heard about this water market I was so excited looks like Trump was going to win after all.
    I couldn't hear any support on the internet.
    then again I kept hearing about the lawsuits I really believe that this was a rigged election.
    once again I began to believe maybe Trump can win this after all.
    no I wonder if it's just scratching at the walls.
    the most recently, and if there's any justice in this country left I think it would be true.
    I started hearing this talk about the 12th amendment. I began to read a lot about it and study it.
    once again I believed absolutely Trump is going to pull this off.
    and again I couldn't find anything all that substantial on the internet.
    after every time that I got shot down couldn't find any proof I though.
    well maybe not. maybe there's just a slow I so didn't want to believe it.
    each time I got kind of shot down my faith kicked in.
    and I'd give it to God and see thy will be done. and then I take it back
    never began to dawn on me that of course you're not hearing it on the internet. we conservatives are experiencing hardcore censorship.
    I'm 71 years old and I've never seen or felt censorship I've only heard about it around the world.
    there's no way for us to get the truth.
    I'm not sure the news max or ONN is able to get and broadcast the real truth.
    then all the studying I did for a year and a half about the book of Revelation.
    where is the United States in the book of Revelation.
    I've never heard a good enough story to convince me why aren't we there.
    I think I figured it out. we're not.
    at best were irrelevant in the book of Revelation.
    and it dawns on me.
    for 2,000 years the profits and Jesus Christ himself has told us what's going to happen. just didn't tell us when.
    keep your eye on the sky folks. I think it's any day now

  12. Ramdos Gopal says:

    Even if u show video clip of democrats fraud….even a needle will not move, democrats always cover up, they found a novel way to win election without real people voting……. Sad future

  13. Nick Haviland says:

    With all of the utter insanity playing out on a day to day basis, especially with such heavily politicized reasonings, we are seeing (on both sides) what should be a familiar term, “cognitive dissonance”, or how it applies to not only this election, but even more evidently to the election in 2016. To sum it up in its most basic application, it is a term used to express a contradiction between statistically valid, commonly available information, as opposed to seemingly contrary facts, that are seemingly irreconcilable. In these instances, it comes down to the sheer perseverance of an individual to do the work, and seek out the facts of their own volition, if they are genuinely interested in the validity of the verifiable facts, as opposed to allowing information to be chewed up, and regurgitated down their throats, at the whims of the mainstream media. Biden not only encourages such reliance, but COUNTS on it, just as he has for nearly half a CENTURY. He takes the American people for fools, and his brazen enrichment of himself and his family at taxpayers behest, should be all the evidence necessary to not only condemn such crooked practices, but demand the unconditional banishment of such tactics in a free, democracy, unequivocally against the mafiosi corruption so blatantly evident in Joe Biden’s entire, CROOKED, tenure in American history.

  14. Christian Forever says:

    Prayer for Our Nation and Our President ~ Please Share…Dear Lord, thank You, that You are still on the Throne and that prayer can still change things…I thank You for answered prayer and for appointing Donald J. Trump as the leader of Your people and this great nation… Thank You, Father, that We the People came out in droves and elected Donald J. Trump by a landslide in 2016, regardless of what their stolen popular vote says. There are those who would contest our votes, contest the Will of Your People, AGAIN…We will not allow them to steal our future. You unclean, globalist, satanic, baby killers and your evil cohorts won't be feathering your nests at our expense any more!…America spoke loud and clear in 2016 and you are about to hear us roar in 2020…YOU WILL HEAR US THIS TIME!!! YOU WILL SEE HIS/OUR MANDATE CLEARLY!!! There will be no perfect leader until Jesus returns, we know that. Until then, true Christians and true patriotic Americans are grateful to you, Father, for giving us a brave and strong leader in our beloved President Trump. I have never been more grateful and more humbled in my life…I never voted before 2016, I never cared before, but I promise I will never fail to exercise that God given right again…I want to say thank You, Jesus, for hearing our cries and for helping us avoid the greatest tragedy this nation has ever faced, and that is the loss of our sovereignty and being handed over to the New World Order Global Government, and we know that is the antichrist beast system….I am so proud of my fellow Americans for seeing through the lies and for doing the right thing, and that is turning to You, Lord…thank You, Father, for moving the hearts of the people toward You and toward truth and good. Good WILL make an open show of evil, but, we must and we will be vigilant, for we know it is not against flesh and blood that we fight, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We also fight against an ignorant, intentionally dumbed down world that has left so many "unaware and compliant" and easily manipulated. God help us, send Your mighty warring Angels to our aid and use them to spoil, to confound the plans of these wicked that would sell an entire nation down the river and steal the sanctity of our electoral process… trip them in their own clever devices, cause their craft to wither in their hands, take their evil thoughts and ideas and turn them on their own selves. Like Nebuchadnezzar, turn their own mind against them until they are humble beasts of burden, grazing in the field, show them, make it clear to all the world that You are the Lord God Almighty and You are not mocked by these insulate, odorous demons from hell…show them that AMERICA IS STILL ONE NATION, UNDER GOD, INDIVISIBLE! Father, send them all to their cells, to await judgment, far away from the society that they work so hard to destroy…and forgive us, Lord, for being blindly led, for not seeking out the truth, for not investigating who they really are, but thank You, Father, for revealing the Truth to Your People, and thank You for the strength to stand in the face of adversity, to stand in this Day, having done all to stand. Thank You for saving us, Father, In Jesus' Name… ~Shelia D. Hughey

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