
Phoenix, AZ President TRUMP Holds “Make America Great” Rally 10/28/20

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22 replies
  1. Ordinary Mo says:

    I did not vote for the person, I voted for the platform. I voted for the second Amendment. I voted for the next supreme court justice. I voted for the electoral college, and the Republic that we live in. I voted for the Police, and law and order. I voted for the military, and the veterans who fought for and died for this Country. I voted for the Flag that is always missing from the Democratic background.
    I voted for the right to speak my opinion and not be censored. I voted for secure borders. I voted for the right to praise my God without fear. I voted for every unborn soul that the Democraps wants to abort. I voted for freedom and the American Dream. I voted for good and against evil. I voted for the future of my Country. I voted early, I voted in person and I voted a straight red ticket.

  2. Hb ruwnghnem says:

    It's amazing paradox that the more Trump pulled the crowds the fake liberal leftists and it's baby sitters, media said that Trump is down by double digits desperately crazy and wild.

  3. Privatepilot says:

    Seedy characters are attempting the divide and conquer strategy on America by segregating the Conservatives from the Liberals through media censorship. Both groups receive different information and since Liberals don’t frequent Conservative news sources and Conservatives don’t normally frequent Liberal news sources they generally have free reign to present a different scenario to each group.
    So on the Liberal side, they are telling Biden supporters that Biden is ahead, whereas on the Conservative side they are telling Conservatives that Trump is leading. That way no matter who wins it’s going to cause chaos because each group was told their party was ahead. Just my take. Evil. Trump2020

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