Great news so far- still has a ways to go- now it goes to the house. (Feb 2018)

The Utah police quota bill passed unanimously out of the senate committee today. It was harder than I thought to tell some of my stories and experiences at the Salt Lake City Police Department. I love the men and women at the department and law-enforcement around the country.

As expected, several police chiefs and heads of departments were against the bill the way it was written. Many showed up to speak against it. The whole time these questions ran through my mind… If there’s no such thing as police quotas, why come to contest this bill? If quotas didn’t exist, why dress up in uniform, drive to the Utah Capital, and publicly say you’re against a bill that changes behavior you claim to not have? Do you see what I mean?

I know I will now probably never get a job in law enforcement ever again in the state of Utah, but hopefully my experiences will help shape the culture that desperately needs to change. Allow the police and the public’s relationship to heal. Allow cops to be cops. They want to serve and protect, not have pressure to hit numbers imposed on them.

Thank you Senator Howard Stephenson for your fight to do this. Thank you Todd Weiler for your words today (your stories were great). Thank you Connor Boyack for your support and effort. Thank you Jeff Hardenbrook for your testimony about the South Jordan police and the 65 monthly mandatory ticket quota when you worked there.

I hope this bill can continue on and become a law. It’s good public policy for the state of Utah.