
As demonstrators continue to protest police brutality and racism, some Americans have gotten fed up with the treatment of police officers. One America’s Emily Finn spoke with Tim Fazenbaker, a Republican political activist who attended a “We Back Blue” rally in Maryland.

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27 replies
  1. ensign j says:

    Re-train police to be PEACE OFFICERS—not tax collectors for the government. Love our police. It’s not their fault the government mis uses them to extort money out of people for victimless “so-called crimes”.

  2. John Doe says:

    God bless the police! Donald Trump and Republicans stand with the police! Biden supports BLM, Antifa, and the various other mobs! Vote Trump! Vote Republican! Start registering people to vote Trump! Let's get the grassroots going!

  3. John Davis says:

    Police dont have your back, they'll use your property or even you as a shield. They show up later to see who they can beat and pillage. They have sworn an oath to uphold all laws, most of which are evil all while not knowing the law they're enforcing. They're the standing army the founding families warned us about.

  4. PAH says:

    They are not activists they are people who do not love our country, they need to be shipped out to someplace they will love, like Cuba.

  5. Joe Bigs says:


  6. American Pie says:

    If your Local or State Government forces you illegally to wear a mask or fine or arrest you file a suit.
    The supremacy clause contains what's known as the doctrine of pre-emption, which says that the federal government wins in the case of conflicting legislation. Basically, if a federal and state law contradict, then when you're in the state you can follow the state law, but the feds can decide to stop you.

    Sue them ! Man up 💩

  7. Daniel Rendall aka Young Dehlow says:

    I back the Blue! 99% of cops are good people with a Serve & Protect Mentality. Yes there are bad cops out there. There are racist cops out there, just like there are also racist firefighters, doctors, and nurses out there. Racism will never be totally gone until Jesus comes to rule the earth from Israel after the End Times have passed. Every ethnicity has had its racist folks in it. It is a sin problem. Not a skin problem. Black LIES Matter and Antifa are Marxist thugs! They are agents of chaos, rampaging across the country, leaving a path of destruction in their wake. There is no white privilege! All colors have equal opportunity in America if they work hard and put heart into their efforts. The founders of BLM are feminists who hate men in general, and are trained Marxists! Karl Marx who wrote The Communist Manifesto was a Satanist. BLM and Antifa are being used as the fodder of the Global Cabal and the Democrats. The Democratic Party has always been the cult of death and segregation. The Democrats started the Ku Klux Klan in 1866. Now they are using Black LIES Matter as a political battering ram! BLM and Antifa are addicted to violence. They get a dopamine rush when they commit violent acts. They are demon possessed programmed thugs. But they don't scare me and I will NEVER kneel to BLM! I only kneel to the Lord Jesus Christ and stand in respect for our American Flag Old Glory! I will not bow to BLM or Antifa or any other criminals like them. You can't be intimidated by those numbskull basement-living Muppets. I will back the men and women in Blue! And for the record, I am no boot licker! There is an attempted Marxist-Islamic-Satanic Revolution taking place in America. Spiritual warfare is going on. The Militias and Patriots must stand with Law Enforcement and protect family and country! God bless our men and women in Blue Uniform! Blue Lives Matter! All Lives Matter!

  8. Gylfe Arisen says:

    If hes looking for issues that affect the tax payers, they should be defunding welfare and reforming social programs… 99+% of issues solved

  9. Gylfe Arisen says:

    "Police reform" is abt federalizing police and taking away states rights. Blm is a communist revolution, which is why they dont talk abt the harvard prof study, the wash spokaine u study, and the actual statistics. Cases of wrong doing are few out of millions amd isolated cases.

  10. John Grillo says:

    So I have an idea, if I don’t pay my $25 a year to the local sheriff and my alarm goes off they won’t come. Maybe we can have a sort of ID that lets the cops know that you’re OK without them and that you hate them whatever it is. So if you’re looting stealing, burning, spitting, whining like a snowflake baby, drunk, maybe your partner , Husband, live in derelict, whatever beats you, or beats your baby who might be his or hers or whoever, you can take care of it on your own. I think that’s a great idea. But we would probably have to have some sort of marking so if a person like me who is stupid Stays out of trouble, does it do crimes,and likes Cops, and wants them to help him, they would have to stay away from those very smart people who don’t need cops. Or better yet, maybe the smart people who don’t want cops can hire other criminals like themselves to fight with the cops it’s going to happen anyway.it’s a little tricky but Maybe a way to figure this out. Or maybe just get on a plane bus train slow boat to China, whatever country you like nothing against Chinese people but I can’t say certain other places because then I’d be racist just go go back, go away jump off a bridge take your car turn it on in the garage with the garage door closed and go to sleep. You could do that. Unfortunately there’s a high rate of suicide all the time. Maybe the cop haters can do that. It is such a terrible world Cops is so bad. I’m so afraid of them. Good luck God bless

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