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29 replies
  1. Korry Jae says:

    We will soon see droves of socialists wooing 12 yo gamers on twitch and holding fandom rallies
    Oh, and Trump Accountability list… witness tampering and intimidation

  2. Joyce Yeshua says:

    the folks that want list and to shut people down need to be deported from America if they can not be de programmed with the truth. This truly is a battle of good vs evil

  3. Die Gedanken sind frei says:

    The left are doing this here in Germany since many years. And the silent majority accepts it, because they might loose their jobs and money. So be careful and don´t let them do this, or there will maybe be no way back. But… TRUMP HAS WON! YOU ALL WIN!

  4. A Tale of Two Mice says:

    BE PART OF THE PATRIOT RALLY IN WASH. D.C. THIS SATURDAY NOV. 14th – – Join the Million Maga March! Timing is crucial. Please tell your friends! If you can't come please spread the word via social media THANKS!

  5. Truthsabre7 says:

    Trump getting only 8% of the black vote tells me that the blacks are still living on the Democratic plantation. Waiting for their masters to hand out just enough to stay alive. The same as when they were slaves.

  6. Johnny D says:

    Dude MN should be red. Veritas has proved they mess with ballots. Its such BS. It is absolutely pathetic. MN authorities should feel ashamed and be fired after the corrupt anti American politicians

  7. Norm Hansen says:

    The breaking of the oath that is said without reservation to be a member of the house should disqualify the squad from continuing to dismantle the constitution they swore to protect.

  8. Mark 12 says:

    Does it ever occur to these Democrat list makers that the Republicans can also make lists… And given that GOP seem to be cementing their control of the Senate and increasing their presence in the House they just might have more clout to inflict serious damage on these Dirty Dems…

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