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45 replies
  1. YONATAN C says:

    Joe Biden has proven himself to be a bigot and a racist, with remarks he has made on countless occasions to the press about Black Americans. He and his former administration has done very little if anything for our community. The Democratic Party has taken our community and our vote for granted for decades now. They have taken our vote and our blinded support of their party as a matter of fact. They don't care about our cities or our communities. They have done nothing about the black on black killings, taking place on a daily basis. The Democrats have sat idly by while their Antifa supporters and Black Lives Matter thugs, continue to burn down black owned businesses , churches, and even desecrated statues of Jesus Christ. They have continued to defend these extremist terrorist groups; calling them "peaceful protesters", instead of what they really are, which are radical socialists, and anarchists, bent on destroying our country and our democracy. The Democratic Party likes for us Black Americans to remain silent, and to remain on their Democratic plantation, and to tow the party line, and keep our mouths shut about the reality of their politics. Malcolm X once said that the most dangerous group of racists, were the White Liberals. He said this because he knew how they try to manipulate the Black community, and how they try to make us dependent on them for our very lives. Well, my life means more to me than that people… I'm breaking the chains of the democratic party, and taking myself and my family, off their plantation, into freedom. I'm voting for Trump this year. The Democrats can not be trusted or respected any longer

  2. Patricia Strang says:

    My utube notifications are all journalists and people for the walkway sharing the reasons they are leaving or have left the democrats…it is awesome and amazing 😍

  3. Ms Bliss says:

    That couple that tried to sell her 4yr old boy. Can they get him on death penalty? This has to stop. Thank You to the beautiful MEN who called the police. God Bless Them Always 🙏🕊️

  4. barryb83110 says:

    The Russia hoax, the climate hoax, the virus hoax, the republican led committee verifies Russian interference and Trump Russia contacts, another record heat wave, over 170,000 US virus deaths. But I'd like to know if we can still donate money to build the wall?

  5. Joseph Meador says:

    Trump donated to Kamala Harris twice, Clinton 8 times, and threw a fundraiser for Schumer. He's a deep state democratic plant to destroy the GOP … and he's done it!

  6. Risie Vasquez says:

    Morning. Schools Mr Presidents the students are Americans more suicide abuse playing damn politics that should not get in the way for students going back to school punished china not students dismantle teachers uniins and teachersbnit wantingnto return ti retured or get another job

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