
KlowdTV is offering a FREE trial package until the end of 2020, that includes OAN

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37 replies
  1. Flotsam & Jetsam says:

    So this is what's possible when America's tax dollars are actually used on AMERICANS! Very Nice Change because of a NON-POLITICAL President! It's time to start electing Non-Politicians to office at state level positions. That is how we put a Stop to our government Corruption problem! Get rid of these Stagnant Politicians…

  2. dennis voigt says:


  3. SAT says:

    Извините, мой английский не так хорош. Я вижу, мы снова тебя обманули. Деревенские идиоты объединяются

  4. Kathy Stearns says:

    This is the 1st time I heard of this !!!
    BRAVO Mr President !!! 👏👏👏👏

    I have been praying over the years for this very thing to happen…to bring our native American people home…along with their artifacts.

    These museums can photograph some of artifacts so they can learn about 1st people, but the artifacts are NOT theirs – they too would be VERY UPSET if their loved ones were dug up and moved to foreign lands.

    Thank you President Trump for helping to bring them home. 💗

  5. gareth jordan says:

    202,119 covid deaths 6,868,191 covid cases and counting even after the WH took control of hospital data from the CDC and test centres being closed down, 1000 americans are dying every day from the Trump virus, 'it is what it is' says the impeached 'i dont take responsibility at all' bone spurs grifter of a president who is responsible for 40 million people being evicted from their homes due to his incompetence……….

  6. Jack Docherty says:

    He's look really stressed out lately. Reelection, COVID-19, Riots, Peace Deals, and the Media. It's despicable how Democrats treat him. He works so hard for our country, everyone, as seen here.

  7. Ника Листопадова says:

    Без документа о том -что они не✓будут проходить военную подготовку по законодательству их не имеют права брать и на ро✓аботу !Марина !

  8. Wolfsong Moondancer says:

    Another election stunt. Anything for the vote. I am surprised that there is still money left for this with the way Dump45 is stealing or wasting taxpayers money. And that people are still swallowing his crap…. wow.

  9. dexter sampson says:

    Now we need to enforce the laws with our own society. Most know the laws and ignore them. You can see people openly break these laws in any rockhound group on Facebook. And videos here. Lots of incriminating evidence out there

  10. mrk1500man says:

    We love you President Trump! You have accomplished so much in the short time you've been in the White House. Four more years is not long enough. Thank God for the GOP.

  11. eezyCLsmooth says:

    What a total load of BS. He's being All Nice now close to the end. Do you know who Mt. Rushmore officially belongs to, The Lakota Sioux Nation. NOT Uncle Sam .
    He's also being super nice to Puerto Rico, remember what he said about the mayor of San Juan ? Native Americans who are not fortunate enough to own
    A casino are POOREST people in this country. Sorry, NO ONE is Buying this .

  12. Elizabeth Vandecoevering says:

    President Trump has done more for Native Americans then any President has ever done, but still there are a lot of messes the corrupt Democrat Party has made of and allowed to happen to innocent Native Americans that are needed to be fixed and clean up so that future generations of Native Americans don't have to suffer much like their parents, grandparent, and great grandparents has suffered do to the mistreatment of their people at the hands of uncaring corrupt Politicians.

  13. Mo M says:

    That is the meaning of good leadership. To work with the people .
    The previous crook & bastard , all they did was talk sh*t & print money for the banks, flirt with the chinese government & the Iranian mollahs & be sorry a**ses . what a pity !

  14. Vicki Gauthier says:

    ✔Vote straight Republican on November 3rd, 2020…Go to the polls.. Take the day off work, declare it a Holiday, because, We will Re☆Elect President Trump ❗🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸4️⃣more years of democracy❗
    VOTE them dems out❗

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