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34 replies
  1. Sidmundo Acevedo says:

    It’s crazy that some part of Puerto Rico has no power at all. I have family over their.. it’s crazy how the Artist Akon wanted to fix Puerto Rico with his OWN money and the government denied him. Like wtfffffff. My ppl can’t even VOTE.

  2. awandererTJ says:

    In Russian covid hospitals (some, at least) they have been successfully using recovered patients' plasma since April. I'm not sure how official is that. Russian vaccine however is a joke.

  3. Stan Taylor says:

    Trump needs to stop badmouthing others and promote 10 modest points to reform the country. Republicans and Tea Party will continue winning with this strong program. Tea party, stand strong for God and Country

    1. Strong country
    Restore honor to the Military and finish the job in the middle east. We have our troop there to invade and occupy Iran and Syria

    2. End socialized medicine
    Stop government controlled heath care. End Obamacare, Medicare and Veterans Admin. Why should veterans be force to take socialized medicine. Veterans should be proud to buy private insurance like the rest of us. There are many charity hospitals if they need it. Part of the Ryan budget is a plan to end medicare Hooray for Ryan.

    3. Reduce welfare spending and increase personal responsibility
    Balance the budget. Get rid of Government welfare programs like social security and SSI. Families should take care of their elders. This will balance the budget and leave lots of money for the Iran project.

    4. Morality and ethics in education.
    Restore first class education. All education should be base on truth and the Bible is the truth of the world. All education should be consistent with the Bible. End the false teachings of evolution, climate change, biology, radio active decay. paleontology and geology. Where are these subjects in the bible, NO WHERE!! Stop the subversion of religion by mathematics by using imaginary numbers, irrational numbers and even transcendental numbers. Bring back and use only whole and rational numbers. Don't let atheists destroy mathematics. God made the whole numbers and man made the rest.

    5. Have government workers promote highest good
    People in government should live their convictions and use the government to support the truth of Jesus for all Americans. This would be his highest good for government workers. Remember Jesus is the god of love and peace.

    6. Bringing our money back from overseas and make the economy sound
    The US has the greatest security system in the world. Why don't we charge billions to provide security for other countries. Turn the military into a money making enterprise and provide jobs for millions.

    7. Pro-life
    Stop abortions. Have a government board to question the woman to make sure it is a legitimate rape before allowing an abortion. Don't punish the child. We need state lawmaker to help woman make the correct Christian decisions.

    8 good elections
    The real problem is the 19th amendment. This gave the right to vote to 10s of million of unqualified voters and overruled the Minor v. Happersett, the Supreme court in its wisdom ruled unanimously for. After the 19th amendment the US has been going down hill passing all sorts of socialist measures supported by new voters. States could put proper restrictions and tests for letting qualified voters vote as they have done in the past. It was only after the US let these unqualified voters vote abortion became an issue. Repealing the 19 Admen will bring back American values and ensure a Republican victory.

    9. The fair tax.
    Get rid of the IRS and lower and equalize the tax load. Just bill every person they share of the government expense That would be only about $10,000 a year to support the federal government. Just think no more forms to fill out. just write a check and your done. Middle income family ($200,000)of four could easily pay the $40,000 a year tax.

    10. Weapon control
    The constitution say you have a right to bear arms but the republicans are against that. People can carry guns but i am near-sighted I need hand grenades where do they support the right for me to carry my weapon of choice.

  4. A L says:

    When keeps calling it the China virus, he’s denying his own responsibility for handling it himself. How can he handle it if he takes no responsibility to keep America safe??

  5. Arlen Margolin says:

    I feel bad for him I was in remedial reading for two years in the third grade and they warned me that if I don't pick up my reading skills that that's what would happen

  6. Andrew Lockwood says:

    Mmmn. Interesting. The rest of the world's scientific community don't seem to have any faith in Trump's new "miracle cure". Why? Its a load of crap, just like everything else he says.

  7. Tito Montes says:

    The state of Hawaii is about to shutdown again because they have 100 cases per day and less than 100 deaths for a state of 1.2 million. They claim the hospitals are being overrun. This is all BS for a federal bailout. Please help and tell them they will get no bailout and to ask for supplies to treat, ESPECIALLY GET HCQ AUTHORIZED. Please HELP.

  8. ez goin says:

    The difference with President Trump and democrates, is demo's do their plans, schemes and plots behind closed.doors. With the President his plans, and progress for the Nation always Open.Door, besides holding press conferences and answering questions..What a Guy! Nothing to hide. Always open to deliver answers.

  9. VR Inks says:

    False Presedent False proppits False Treason Treason Judgement Death Death 💀 this your Judgement asle you Are Fruad Fruad Fruad Fruad fraudgery fraudgery fraudgery fraudgery fraudgery fraudgery fraudgery fraudgery Go awayyyyyyyyyy Judgement Go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Go awayyyy Go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  10. VR Inks says:

    Nomore deal to trump I don’t care you like or not that’s my Jodgement Death the Nomore poletics that’s all I want I am Her to cleans evil out Out I Cast All Out Out Out evil Go wago waayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy Go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

  11. VR Inks says:

    Go awayyyyyyyyyy awayyyyyyyyyy I don’t don’t Evil this this taboooo tabooooo taboooo taboooo tabooooo Judgement Death Death Guilty Tree Party Treason Judgement Death 💀 Nomore Stop all the k uss my vaccsin hands off of my vaccsin this all Hans off of me medecine Judgement Death Trump No he’s Very very for that’s the Rubbery in My Monney Guilty Judgement Judgement Guilty Fruad Bribery Pelany Judgement Death 💀

  12. Jig Solanki says:

    People jumping out of seat… this not a cure . Again convalescence plasma is a treatment for terminal patients. It can be used in the early phases if all other treatment is deemed ineffective. This an option my dad didn’t have back in April. If this option was made available it would have made a significant impact in the overall treatment. Convalescence plasma with other medicines may prove to be very effective if plasma treatment is administered at the early stages.

  13. Purple Rain says:

    I've been receiving text messages saying that a mail ballot has been sent to my addresd with a prepaid stamped envelope. This seems weird. I've calling the numbers where the messages are coming from and they are out of service!!! Anyone else is receiving these messages?

  14. Garutay San Agustin says:

    Stephan, wassup. I know you only watch Fox's Tucker….but even Wallace is disgusted over the obvious destrustruction gvt. Heritages,lies etc. you name it ha ha ha beyond Fox is a hoax i know ha ha ha

  15. CGAB NEWS says:

    Write-in candidate for president.
    I am not a politician. I'm an American.
    BRING BACK  A FREE AMERICA VOTE JARED WILLIAM LANDRY FOR PRESIDENT AND CHANGE THE WORLD DOING IT 2020.    My name is Jared William Landry. I am  41 years old. My former occupation: Private Investigator, Bodyguard, Bail Enforcement Agent, Executive Protection Officer, Security Officer, Recovery Agent, Head of your Private SWAT Team as well as a doing drug interdiction as a CI for the better part of 16 years. Education a quick note I only finished 5th grade at 12 years of age attained a job installing hardwood floors, by the age of 13 I graduated Ground School Aviation. At the age of sixteen I had a company vehicle with Seiler Plumbing and Heating and Cooling Westby Wisconsin. I build my own home in that time when I turn Twenty-One I decide to attend college at WWTC in Fennimore Wisconsin. I obtained 68 college in Criminal Justice and attended Police Academy.  Of which I was the top student. I finished my schooling at WWTC in 2008. And 2013 I applied to Viterbo University. Having told them what I have done they would offer me a scholarship if I were to go get my GED.  In 2018 I obtained 68 college credits in criminal justice and  attended police academy.  In 2013 I obtained GED and attended Viterbo University.
    Education: Arson Investigator, Hazmat/Weapons of Mass Destruction Anti-Terrorism, Firearm Proficiency Training Basics, Security Training, Executive Protection Training, Bail Enforcement Training, NARK II  DRUG Identification, Private Investigator Basic, First Responder Wisconsin Standards plus CPR, Community Policing, Impaired-Driving, eEmotional Survival for Law Enforcement, DWI Detection, Language Lab, Policing in America, Legal Context, Tactical Skills, Relational Skill, Patrol Procedures, Investigation Police Academy, Interview of Witness, Constitutional Law Juvenile Law, Pyychology, Ground School Aviation . Family: Most of my family has taken an active role in today's society / politics. From my uncle being mayor of a major city, to my father being a people's Advocate. My family has always had an interest in helping others. My father has always served his community as well as his country. At the age of 17 my father would leave for Vietnam as a boy but returning man. He has spent 10 years on a major fire department Lafayette Louisiana. Where he he made captain in six short years. My grandfather and my uncle served on the same department for many years. My father showed me that if I work hard anything was possible.
    I want you to know I'm here to work hard for you as a man of the people for the people. I believe dearly in my country  please help me to CHANGE THE WORLD.  VOTE JARED WILLIAM LANDRY AS A WRIGHT IN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT 2020. ITS TIME TO LIBERATE OUR WORLD.  VOTE JARED WILLIAM LANDRY FOR PRESIDENT AND CHANGE THE WORLD DOING IT.  I PROMISE I WILL PUT LAW ENFORCEMENT IN IT'S PLACE.  I WILL HAVE TRUMP TRIED FOR MANSLAUGHTER.  I WILL STOP ALL OF IT.  Please help me to spread the word. ..
    When I say something I will do it.
    It is important that you know there will be no more money made on human lives. It stops now people will receive the medical attention that they need. Whether it be a broken toe are open heart transplant. Let it be known your loved ones will receive the care that they need.
    There will be education for all that seek to better their lives. Education is the foundation for a better brighter future for anyone that is willing. therefore if you apply yourself you will be able to attend any college you desire.
    Pollution will stop. There will be no more the depletion of our natural resources. Meaning we will become 100% green energy country there will be a future for our children and our children's children. I will not only put an end to big oil. I will be taking down all nuclear power plants. This will not only insure our future. It will create millions of new jobs and bring in a new era of technical jobs that pay.
    The time has come to take the drugs off the street.  There's no reason for children to be subjected to things like drugs. In this day and age they have enough on their plate. It is it's time we help people that have a drug problem. We can't keep filling the jails with our mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles. Doing this has not been nor will ever be a solution it is only dragging us down as a nation.
    At the end of the day be assured that your hard work was not in vain. You will keep what you earn. The days of paying income tax on your hard work or over. The wages of yesterday will not support the needs of today therefore you will be earning a fair wage that will support you and your family.
    I will impose a flat tax on everything we buy. Excluding food and food products.
    I will take the federal government out of play on the issue with marijuana.  I will ask that all states legalize and tax it appropriately.  At the same time giving an average individual the chance to own and operate a dispensary. The days of a few Monopolizing an industry are over.
    I intend to turn every home in America into it's own power plant.
    Giving every American a chance to have a little more. 
    As for the bad men of the world you are done. There will be no more terrorizing people. Anywhere. … War will end and the killing will stop. There will be WORLD peace. ……………………. …….

  16. Jim Dur says:

    Buck the stranglehold the NWO has on the cure. Notice how bans on alcohol and smokes in So Africa are to make the people hungry for vaccines. 100 proof whiskey and hard apple cider gets rid of the microclots cv19 leaves behind. Bitter kola stops reproduction. Zinc and stinging nettle improve lung immunity. Cigar smoke occasionally for the eyes nose and throat surfaces.

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