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34 replies
  1. Grand Man says:

    Americans just get use to it the Dictatorship will start on the 3/11 Americans just get use to it and suck it up as Trump says he will get Another 4 years then he will see after that good luck America

  2. Am Smart says:

    POTUS DJT, come up to the Iron Range of Minnesota. We know you want to flip this state red. Only you can do it. God bless the USA. Nice listening session. Notice how Trump listens and takes it in. He is a true businessman and gets it.

  3. Angelique Devoss says:

    Vote for Trump and vote in person and vote all REDS IN NOVEMBER 3 2020 GOD BLESS PRESIDENT TRUMP 🙏 ❤ 💙 God bless THE USA 🇺🇸 🙏 ❤ 💙 Make sure you vote in person to prevented the democrats cheating.

  4. Charlie Brown says:

    Andhe was sooooo good to Puerto Rico after the hurican. REMEMBER! He discriminated against hispanic in his real estate holdings. HE JUST WANTS YOUR VOTE. Then in 2021 it will be the sameold, sme old, if he wins. The US has 5% of the world’s population and 50% of the world’s deaths due to the Virus. Every industrialized nation has this under control except the US. The West coast is on Fire as was Australia last summer. The ice caps are melting and the oceans are rising. The world is heating up. TRUMP is IN DENIAL AND LIES ABOUT BOTH. He has no plan. Incompetence abounds. Belittles veterans and people of color. Stormy Daniels etc., and the Access Hollywood video. Cheats on all 3 wives. In bed with Russia. WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR THE REST OF YOU TO REALIZE THIS GUY IS NOT WORTHY TO BE PRESIDENT!!!

  5. Juan Valdez says:

    "The White House will host a signing ceremony on Tuesday for Israel to establish diplomatic relationships with two important Islamic countries in the Middle East – the UAE and Bahrain, marking a notable diplomatic achievement for US President Donald Trump in an election year."–Devdiscourse.com

    Robert Spencer, author of Rating America's Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster
    Which presidents were the best for America…and which were the worst?

    Most historians of the American presidency—walking in lockstep with today’s hard-Left academic establishment—favor presidents who were big-government statists and globalists. They dislike presidents who lowered taxes, protected American workers, and avoided getting the United States entangled in foreign conflicts that had nothing to do with protecting the American people. It is through that prism that they see all of American history.

    It’s time for a change. Nowadays, with socialism massively discredited and internationalism facing more opposition than it has since before World War II, it’s time to reevaluate what the Leftist historians have told us. Donald Trump was elected president pledging to put America First, as any nation’s leader should put his or her own people first. There needs to be an America-First reevaluation of him and his predecessors.

    This book, therefore, rates the presidents not on the basis of criteria developed by socialist internationalist historians, but on their fidelity to the United States Constitution and to the powers, and limits to those powers, of the president as delineated by the Founding Fathers. America’s presidents are rated on the extent to which they put America First—not in the sense of a narrow isolationism, but whether they really advanced the interests of the American people.

    This upends the conventional wisdom about a great deal of American history and present-day reality, and is intended to do so. This book offers what should be the only criteria for rating the occupants of the White House: were they good for America?

  6. Greg Daugherty says:

    Basically the "protesters" rioting are rioting about Democrat policies and theft of government support in their communities for decades by their elected politicians, they just don't know it because of the media distractions.

  7. Elipous Cates says:

    Come on my king of kings of king of men and kingdoms.. I remember when you said white pride on tweeter my President Trump sir America understand you but,it is you who must trust your people…You need our black people power too help you destroy the church of Scientology in California and in Florida..Black power will be the destruction of Jerusalem..when they say war..Allow islam at your round table let us ensure..You Americans freedom by conquering our racists enemies the enemy of manipulation..Israel

  8. Elipous Cates says:

    Who will pledge their Allegiance too our strong fearless white pride screaming President..I will pledge my allegiance..Too you sir and I'm black..I'll give too you sir my black power to ride beside you sir too destroy the church of Scientology..I'm sure many more will ride with your pride sir.. I'm sure many more black people will give you their black power if you need it sir..Too go Against the church of Scientology..

  9. Nina Correa says:

    President Trump is working tirelessly for America. He’s for all Americans. When I say “all Americans” I mean all American races. He’s not a racist. He welcomes immigrants that want to come here legally. Democrats and the media have known Trump for many many years as a good private citizen. Trump was never treated bad by democrat politicians or media, until he decided to run for President as a Republican, that’s when they turned on him. They knew back then like they know now, that Trump would be a great leader, and a threat to them. President Trump is a great leader and he is a threat to the democrat party and media. The democrat party has been hijacked by people disguise as democrats, but they are true globalists/socialists/demonic people in full disclosure(Antifa and BLM). This so call Democrat party doesn’t represent what we as Americans stand for, and that is for freedom, love of country, morals and conservatives values of all Americans families. It gives me great hope that Latinos for Trump, are working hard to deliver a big win for President Trump! God bless America and god bless our President Donald J. Trump🇺🇸🙏🏻❤️

  10. Jack Sims says:

    why don't you throw some more cheap FEMA paper towels at them like you did in Puerto Rico? it still wet, very wet there…surrounded by water….yes wet.

  11. LongDang DangLong says:

    Nguoi cua công vìec luôn làm tất cả vì đất nước cho dân tộc mình phồn vinh nhất đó là dieu tất yêu của phong.cach sống ứng sự trong.công việc chỉ có một người vì moi người moi người vì một người đoàn kết để đánh chiến thắng trên tất cả mặt trận của ông là TT ông là người mạnh mẽ &quyết đoán tuyệt vời

  12. Kurt W says:

    See the difference between President Trump and pandering Biden on how they treat people, Biden comes out creepy playing his cellphone???? WTF???? And the song is creepy for his past !!

  13. Leon Gill says:

    Orale, Trump! You have my vote, Vato! As you can see, their is a lot going on right now with peoples not acting right in America. ( riots / rages / attacks / assaults / rapes / killings ) and the list go’s on and on! Now on that note, I have to look out for the Familia and what I believe is in my heart ❤️ Just think about it my Hispanic Families of America. A lot of us worked hard to get where we are now and I’m not going to let the ones that are doing stupid things take that away from me! I worked to hard to let this all go! I went from a troubled 😟 Youth ( meaning in trouble with the law ) to becoming law enforcement myself and taking pride in what I do! I like talking to younger kids and telling them my story and helping them make better choices in life and to watch out for their Familia’s and to respect their elders. I’m happy 😃 and sad 😞 that I had a chance to see both side of my crimes! I now have a better understanding of what’s going on and the respect for law enforcement and what they’re doing right now dealing with these problems going on in the cities! The bottom line is that, when you look into that mirror, do you like what you see and where your life is and where it’s headed! If not change is always good, I have had ( Racist) stuff said to me, but I don’t let that stop me. I keep going with my head up and not looking down. To my Familia’s ( keep going, never stop ) ( GOD ) Bless 🙏🏼❤️🇺🇸🇲🇽🇺🇸🇲🇽🇺🇸🇲🇽

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