
A peaceful rally in Denver supporting police was attacked and shut down by violent members of Black Lives Matter and Antifa. One America’s Pearson Sharp has the details.

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36 replies
  1. james osborne says:

    Quit waiting for the police and other law agencies to protect you they are under orders to stand down. Don't you get that? You're in a fight now stand up for yourselves and for heaven's sake stop bringing your kids to these things this is the real thing folks.

  2. Alpha Omega says:

    I wish they could just open fire on these zombie liberals..Liberal BLM is for China and wants everyone else to bow to them..Blm and antifa and all these other marxist scumbags are following the ones that want to destroy all Americans! How stupid and blind are these morons😡

  3. Phyllis Springer says:

    Law abiding Americans need to take action the liberal mayors will not protect their citizens. Denver vote these Democrats out that want their cities run by the mob.

  4. YONATAN C says:

    The liberal leftist democratic party has been the single most divisive obstacle we're facing now.The liberal left extremest democratic party has sought out to destroy our country, and it's values. Democratic candidate Joe Biden, actually said to the African American community , that if we don't vote for them, then we ain't black. That's the party that has taken us for granted, as if we are somehow beholding to them, for our own lives. This is a party with a slavery past. Check it out for yourselves and you will see the roots of this political party. They're not for us, they simply need our vote. That's where their solidarity ends. The Democratic Party has even put illegal aliens rights and concerns, before African American citizens born in this country. Their party has moved so far to the left, there's no more place to go, but socialism. To the Democratic Party, NO LIVES MATTER, more than THEIR OWN selfish ambitions. The Democratic party is ANTI-RELIGION, ANTI-FREEDOM OF SPEECH, and ANTI-AMERICAN. They will never have my vote again

  5. jake connors says:

    Burn these antifa terrorists out!!! I support our cops but theyre becoming pansies all because to not lose their jobs. Whats more important your country or your job.

  6. Carl Forbes says:

    The time has come for the people of Denver to quit supporting the police and stop there Marxist terrorists Demoncrats thereselves.arrest the mayor and the chief of police

  7. Barbara Nelson says:

    We as coloradans must ask why Governor Polis allows BLM, a radical marxist group, to protest and attack people in Denver. How to destroy Denver in less than a month? Elect democrats.

  8. D G says:

    They haven't been able to do this in small towns because they would all be shot. I don't know why the cities let them do this.

  9. Valerei Renfro says:

    As a Black woman I support SOME of what Antifa stands for & I'll tell you why. In 2010 while on a public bus on my why out to a martial arts class, there was a trouble maker girl who was with her Mother who kept screaming obscenities' to her own Mother for 1/2 an hour. No one did anything not even the bus driver. It built up. I finally stood up several rows up to say something and I'm screamed the "N" word about 5-10 times by this woman, in addition to her threatening to stab me . Police, did absolutely nothing! See Police are not a friend for African Americans they just don't care. That! was a defining point for me. Still have not recovered. No one can understand how much that affected me. I agree with the protests but not the vandalism. I served my country received an honorable discharge but I'm treated lower than pond scum!

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