
After Hours catches up with Morgan Zegers – CEO of Young Americans Against Socialism and contributor for Turning Point USA — to break down the current divide within the Democratic party as well as the conservative response.

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32 replies
  1. Direvo Sabostien says:

    There is nothing wrong with Youtube.
    Sundar Pichai is controlling transmission. He will control the horizontal. He will control the vertical. For the next hour, sit quietly and he will control all that you see and hear.

  2. nikonmother says:

    when we have to rely on the government to give us a handout every month, they will tell you how to vote, what to eat, how to raise your children, what religion you will be, etc. That's what socialism and communisim is!

  3. skeeveskeeve says:

    I love it when the right wingers claim trump has done so much to improve employment but they forget the part where his total inaction on the pandemic resulted in tens of millions of lost jobs. She's hot though, I'll give her that.

  4. Dan Kamilchu says:

    Pull everyone out of mainstream government run education. Parents, get back to private and home schooling. Let's stop sending our kids to Marxist factories (aka public education).

    Enough is enough.

  5. A Thomas says:

    Hey! I'm NEW here. Cool channel! I WOULD hit the like button, but haven't been able to in DAYS now…
    Good JOB you guys! Keep up the great work 🙂

  6. Paul Brinkerhoff says:

    I ended FACEBOOK a while back. It is poison. This is America's nightmare! ZUCKERBERG and $350 million bought off election officials in key states. That's what's behind all this ballot stuffing, secretive count, covering the windows etc. etc.
    All the states that are undecided and rather tumultuous right now have been illegally funded to produce a certain outcome. The computer count software glitches that right before our eyes takes from TRUMPS count and adds to BIDENS.
    He's using facebook to censor vital information and force propaganda as well.

    These arrogant tech tyrants must be harnessed.

  7. Rowan J167 says:

    CERN is planning to use the Hadron Collider to open a portal to hell to prevent Trump getting a second term. The Collider is one of the seven seals of the apocalypse!

  8. A Tale of Two Mice says:

    BE PART OF THE PATRIOT RALLY IN WASH. D.C. THIS SATURDAY NOV. 14th – – Join the Million Maga March! Timing is crucial. Please tell your friends! If you can't come please spread the word via social media THANKS!

  9. Kris Slaght says:

    Progressive view points have NEVER been concerned, or in favor of the true working class that built and pushed this country to progress, the middle class. Conservative values, conservative ideology, making truth and honesty paramount.

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