
In a case of apparent voter fraud, Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe told OAN he has uncovered a Democrat appointed election inspector who voted twice in 2016 and is only now being prosecuted by the New Hampshire attorney general. One America’s John Hines has more.

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43 replies
  1. Dave Todd says:

    People need to understand the core of the Democrat fraud voting machine is the fact that they volunteer and run almost every voting station in the country. They are run by either straight DNC volunteers or by Community diss organizers. I'm 56 years old and it's been this way for as long as I can remember. Republicans and conservatives need to get their butts into the polling stations and if they can't they need to hang around with cameras ready to catch these pukes in the act and get evidence.

  2. Katy says:

    Unwilling do do anything it seems. And has given guilty people immunity . disgusting! they always. say no one is above the law.
    They are lying to all of us .

  3. Bxman53 says:

    Thank you OAN for reporting TRUTH. Thank you Project Veritas for investigating fraud in the absents of real journalist in the MSM. I very much look forward to the day you replace the propaganda networks on TV

  4. Mike Kral says:

    But voter fraud doesn't exist according to demonrats! And we know certainly not the news (CNN)won't be reporting on this. What a joke.
    God bless TRUMP 🇺🇸 and Texas

  5. Gary James says:

    The demonrats are going to attempt to steal the November 2020 election and they will or cause such chaos it will take months to figure out the winner this must be stopped !!!!!!

  6. zelda torna says:

    The Mainstream Media is the " core of the war. " // We, the people, depend on such sources as One America News & Project Veritas !!!!! Thank you !!!!! Keep it up !!!!!!!

  7. Bo Bo says:

    Trump should shut down the Post Office at midnight on election night for one week! It only opens once the count is final! This would help in preventing "finding" ballots after election day. Everyone please help this idea get off the ground!

  8. Fran Rushie says:

    James o’Keefe is a hero… I just finished reading Andrew Breitbart’s book, “Righteous Indignation “. James O’Keefe worked with Andrew and they were super stars together… is such a loss that Andrew Breitbart would die at such a young age… so glad to see James O’Keefe going strong with his courage and determination revealing the truth…I was just so disappointed and discouraged when Planned Parenthood was not totally defunded with all of James O’Keefe findings… I’m told it was because of Kamala Harris… she is always on the wrong side of doing the right thing….

  9. cynthia maue says:

    Two party system must be done away with. Privileges of power are benefiting the most cunning and ruthless political machines- NOT the people.
    Jury duty style representatives – NOT elections.
    It's become a mind massaged popularity contest instead of a well thought out process of governing a free peoples.
    No more democrats, no more republicans, no more committees, no more chairmen, no more long term relationships or alliances vying for insatiable power and advantage, no more sexy intrigue of backstabbing or boot licking, no more political perks or persecution, no more famous or infamous megalomaniacs with poofy coiffes living like decadent royalty, at our expense.
    Government of, by and for the people is being wrested from the grips of the Machiavellian Deep State and they're fighting dirty and desperately to keep the government they've fashioned for their own benefit and enjoyment – a government OF the people, BY the lawyers, FOR the lawyers.
    Know your history of the thirteenth amendment. Its the next step of our saving grace.

  10. Rum Have says:

    Justice can't keep up with Democrats, they're all dirty cops. Party is morally bankrupt.
    Born alive bill rejected by their senators.
    If a child is accidentally born alive, they slay them.
    Demon crats hate innocence.

  11. Jtto Bingodingo says:

    Anyone else find that it's strange, that with all the government agencies. It's takes non-governmental agencies to check on the government?

    Yeah, it's not strange.
    The government can't find a problem with itself

  12. Esperanza Munoz says:

    Trump tells people many times to vote twice.
    You people dig up 1 one Dem doing wrong and make like it's the end of the world.
    In the election where Stacy lost by a small amount it was found that the fraud was perpetrated by the state overseer himself. Voter suppression and voter fraud has happened exclusively by Republicans.

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