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So what does this tell you about this STEAL? What does this tell you about these Democrat Socialist and traitors on Republican side?
Big Government!! We let this happen. Both sides are in on it. Brace yourselves for the Great Reset many will die. China will control and we will comply or die and with no guns more so.
"Where are the republicans …"
Trump wants to catch ALL with their hand in the cookie jar!
These machines were sold to various jurisdictions using an age old technology. Lubrication of the palm.
If the vote count is supposedly accurate, why are the democraps and leftists fighting the election/voter fraud investigations?
Joe Biden has zero chance of winning an honest election. That's why the Democraps had to cheat to try to get him into office.
As soon as the fraudulent votes are eliminated, President Trump will be the obvious winner by a landslide.
I agree that the RNC let everyone down, but what did you expect, that they would do their jobs? Not gonna happen.All pols are in it for themselves and will do anything to maintain the status quo regardless of party affiliation. If trump does not come out of this he need look no further than the Republican party leaders.
Thank y’all at OAN News 📰. Great 👍 Reporting keep up the Awesome 👏 Work. Bless y’all all day long in Christ Jesus Name Amen 🙏.
I like that OAN looked into and found claims by Democrats that there are dominion smartmatic ties, but it old, its biased the same way the republican claims are now. And if they will/can not supply actual physical evidence of fraud now (and so far they apparently haven't/cant) the claims are as irrelevant as they were when the democrats made them. What is relevant is when in actual court hearings and asked under oath they have nothing to show. When seemingly damming videos evidence is reviewed by republicans in full they say there was not fraud after all. I'm in Georgia I watched my vote get counted and the one before mine well. the papers had to be put in multiple times before they were accepted, but the ballot count only went up once by one when the ballot was accepted and the papers did not get returned. And the hand recount did nothing but prove the machines were at least as accurate as the human eye. I am sorry for everyone still believing these claims but in Georgia I have to believe the vote was valid.
The thumbnail for this video didnt show here in the best light she was in the middle of speaking but it looked like she was in the middle of sneezing but having a hard time getting it out hahahhaha she still beautiful though keep up the great work
It's obvious who are the Swamp Monsters are.
The swamp is deeper and wider than you could ever imagine it is pervasive and seeps into every government institution tainting everything it touches it has no allegiance to any party it only attracts the weak and corrupt.
I agree with you. Where was the Republican Party? Could have checked in, instead they are blaming the Democrats? I agree completely because now the Republicans in GA are saying they will have monitors at each polling place. Will the Democrats block them again?
The amount of traitors going to jail is staggering folks…We absolutely have to get after ALL the foreign entities, their actors & get this under control… One name that constantly comes up Is George Soros & ALL his affiliate companies making huge monetary donations to those violent groups across America, i.e. Antifa & BLM as well as paying dark money to members of Congress, FBI & the CIA so as to change US policy, mostly in favor of, you guessed it, China…We The people DEMAND all of this to stop & furthermore, any US Gov't official even remotely connected to China be subject to immediate arrest…Wall Street effective immediately needs to delist all Chinese companies from their boards. No more investments in China are to be allowed, effective immediately…
If there is ever to be a 3rd World War, make no mistake, it starts with China & right this moment, the enemy is at the gates my friends, which naturally brings us back to the half past dead, Beijing Joe Biden… Under NO circumstances does this man whom has already committed TREASON ever becomes president, simply put, is NOT in the cards…
God Bless America… FOUR MORE YEARS – Support Our Police – Keep the kids back in school & a Merry Christmas to all!
Side note, she get prettier by the day🥰
it would seem that both parties want buisiness as usual corruption! time to flush the huge dc toilet!
Right this Guy is unique.
The Republican Party should take in consideration their own flaws.
🤣 smartmatic was used just in L.A. county that's it. Dominion isn't Smartmatic they're competitors 🤣
Texas and governor aren't paragons of virtue are they…. check out the Heritage Foundation for the voter fraud in Texas pity Biden didn't look into the voter fraud there eh…..
There's absolutely no evidence that Smartmatic has anything to do with Dominion. This individual is fantasizing about relationships and connections that don't exist, any more than the Easter Bunny exists. Imagine having absolutely no sense of personal accountability to the extent that you will lie without compunction, as this person does.
What is this individual's source for information about $400M being invested in the holding company that owns Dominion? The company is not "notoriously flawed" or "enormously troubling," and there are any number of considerations that lead to states buying voting machines. Where are Republicans? They were the ones buying these voting machines, and all the while hoping for Donald Trump to win. How does this individual presume to be taken seriously by adults?
Don’t forget chinese $ at play with Dominion
Definitely vulnerable machines. And owned by the left, outside of the us.
That's crazy amount of money, that's why there's so much corruption everyone on the take
The dems just love to lie and cheat. Its sickening
I'll try to not hold it against Michael Johns that he was Bush Sr's speech writer. I do hope he supports President Trump, because Bush Jr. does not. Nor does Bush lacky Karl Rove. The old NeoCon republican party members have no place in the Trump administration, MAGA, or to talk to American's with any authority or trust.
Either way, China is going to want their pound of flesh.
Dominion and Smartmatic committed treason. They are complicit with the Democrat Party, so both are accountable.
Why did they take down the oan video the other day that said that President Trump will get a second term it was uploaded for about 30 minutes I began to watch it and got sidetracked and when I came back it said the uploader has deleted the video