
Reading, PA President TRUMP Holds “Make America Great” Rally 10/31/20

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47 replies
  1. LibertyMatrix says:

    1973 Biden Enters Office















































    2020 I’ll fix America!

  2. mark boyer says:

    You can thank Kavenagh for that decision. I really hope he is not another John Roberts, ( wolf in sheep's clothing ). OANN, get your tech straightened out please.

  3. LIZARD909ALIEN says:

    Trump fights for the rich and well-off to continue illegally manipulating the public. Biden fights for compromising information to not come out on him after he spent 50 years undermining the country and doing the exact same thing that Trump is doing now, pandering to the manipulators

  4. victrola2007 says:

    The BEST!!! After early voting, I accepted 'I voted' sticker from the Biden table on the way back. Cheerfully thanked them with thumbs up and "Biden for Senate!" as I walked away. Heard 'Wait, what?!' Behind me. Didn't look back.🤣😈

  5. Ludwig Jaén says:

    dear African American brothers and sisters in this election we have to be extremely pragmatic …
    Let's not be manipulated by fake news cnn …
    … we have to continue with the government of Donald Trump, he is the only one who has at least listened to us and it is worth voting for Trump again 👃🏿
    MAGA 2020 🗽

  6. google user007 says:

    Not politician, Not politicly correct, not polished, not a demagogue, not smooth and NOT politician, But Practical, Realistic and A LOYAL AMERICAN !!!! FOUR MORE YEARS FOR OUR PRESIDENT. GLOVES OFF AMERICA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. BellefreeU.S says:

    Awesome awesome awesome. TRUMP 4 MORE YEARS . I hope the 1st thing he does is stop the masks madness that these draconian city officials keep enforcing unlawfully on the American people . We the people have a choice what we put on our bodies. A cloth face covering does not prevent a virus or spread of a virus . There is no scientific evidence that supports this fake lie 👎😷and for our children its psychologically damaging not to mention socially . We must put an end to masks

  8. Toni O. says:

    🚨 This is a fake post promoted by Russian Troll Farms! Their goal is to use false information to undermine the U.S. election and Americans sense of trust. They post video that is obscure and misleading. The posts have thousands of views upon initial loading because they hack the page and Russian bots create the fake views. Hundreds of comments in favor of one candidate (Trump) with fake likes are loaded in by one individual with the help of bots. There are few comments after an initial post.

  9. Sheila Eddy says:

    Biden/China Virus Biden working with China to try and destroy Trump’s re-election. Killing 240,000 American citizens. Biden has murdered 65 million innocent babies and counting.

  10. Michael P. Shipley says:

    "More than 1.7 million U.S. wells have been completed using the fracking process, producing more than seven billion barrels of oil and 600 trillion cubic feet of natural gas." – IPAA

  11. John Harrison says:

    Every place Trump has campaigned has had SO MANY SUPPOTERS who show up all enthuse just to hear him! Someone tell me how Biden can even come close to winning without drastically cheating the system? There's no way I will except that O'l sleepy Joe can even come close to winning. It has cost the Dems and their allies so much money to put a candidate out front that cannot draw a crowd without paying people to sit and listen to him loose his train of thought on every subject he puts forth!
    There is so much that has to be ripped out and removed from our various systems because of the infiltration that comes from G.S. and his many non-profit groups that have infected almost everything, including the minds of many of our youths! They must be removed and destroyed, or this crap will repeat itself again and again! Let's do it right so that it can't come back on us EVER AGAIN! Right?

  12. Shadow Wolf says:

    Trump Americans will back you God bless America 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  13. Manley Nelson says:

    Largest trade agreement in history, palastinian/Israel peace agreement, best economy in decades even after manufactured bat flu, no isis, less than 10% of illegals coming across border, low interest rates, low gas prices…should I continue? Just typing some of trumps accomplishments is tiring. How does he do it?!

  14. Timber Vista says:

    An election to determine the future of the world peace, the only president hasn’t started a war but bringing our military force back home. God bless President Trump and God bless America.

  15. Mary Williams says:

    A program to offer a Tax Refund based on Student loan payments would get so many votes for Republicans! The #1 issue I see on my 57,000 member group is how Warren offered student loan forgiveness. TELL SOMEONE TO ANNOUNCE IT TODAY and WIN!! Forgiveness isn't fair but tax refunds make sense since it eliminates the student loan debt for people who are not working and contributing. A taxpayer makes the country strong. Giving a tax rebate based on the amount someone repays yearly on student loan debt helps when income is lower and will benefit all in the long run. Giving them back their tax paid based on loan payments going out just makes sense to me. If someone came out and announced it TODAY, or a plan to study the possibility (the way Biden promises things he will never do), … that would tip the Republican to winning in Arizona or in Maine. I don't know how to get the word out so I am hoping someone reads this and gets the word out. My student loans have been long paid but all my liberal friends under 35 wanted Warren because she promised them loan forgiveness. That would not be fair to those who paid out-of-pocket for their kids like I did but I would not be offended by a tax refund because it would eliminate all those people with huge student loan debt that are not working. If the country is benefitting in tax dollars from your college degree in taxes and talent then we can do something.

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