
Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been using Twitter to push her socialist messages out to more than five million followers. Her use of Twitter has landed her in hot water, causing several people to file lawsuits against her.

One America’s Ryan Girdusky has more from New York.

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40 replies
  1. Deathby Velocity says:

    She will lose ever time she has to face the real law and Constitution of the United States of America.
    She stands for everything against our Constitution. She would burn it and rewrite her own.
    She and the Democrats/Socialist must be expelled from Congress.

  2. Ronald Wilson says:

    Half the people on her Twitter feed or trying to sabotage her she doesn't have 5 million people she has to 3 million the rest are out to get her and I hope they do she won't win her next if she does there's definitely something wrong with her district

  3. Colt 4500 says:

    Hahaha wow she didn’t listen. They ruled trump couldn’t do it. So guess what that means the democrats can’t block us. They are a public figure. Courts said.

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