
GOP Congressman Doug Collins tells One America’s John Hines the decision for the recount is a major victory for President Trump’s re-election campaign.

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23 replies
  1. L pattenaude says:

    May Almighty God please expose evil, corruption and lawlessness, especially voter fraud in in GA, AZ, Pa, Mi, Wisconsin, and Minn. please God let the true winner win. Please expose and remove traitors and spies from President Trump. Please bless his counsel and his cabinet. Please protect them from evil prayer, evil attacks, especially witchcraft and Astro projection. Please cause his enemies to fail. Please cause the lies from the msm and big tech to fail. In Jesus Christ Mighty Name

  2. Jen L says:

    Make sure people like myself, who moved OUT of GA, didn't "vote" because I received a request for ballot at my new address to vote in GA's election (Chatham County, Savannah)! I am also still listed on their website as "eligible to vote" despite them KNOWING I no longer live there! Wonder how many dead people and people who moved "voted" — two groups they could easily, fraudulently use because we are either dead or gone and wouldn't be able to catch them using our data. Please look into this!

  3. Sandra Chance says:

    Doug Collins is a man of integrity. He has always been a warrior for justice . His voice in congress brings victory to all. Watch Rep Collins explodes , gets standing ovation in impeachment hearing . They want him silenced. God bless you ! Stand in Victory !

  4. James Linnstrom says:

    80 million mailing ballots mean only one thing: voter frauds in industrial scale. Every other country that tried large scale mail in voting concluded the same thing. It always, ALWAYS lead to massive frauds and wrong, manipulated election results. We now have the consequence of that intentional move by the Dems to mail out 80 million ballots: We have no idea how much frauds have been committed in this election. Potentially it is MASSIVE. We simply do not know.

    The only fair solution is to redo the election. The other solution is to take a year off to figure out the true results.

  5. Money Ninja says:

    This sounds to me like they are not going to recount the Senate votes. That would be a tragedy! Does someone know if they will count the Senate votes in this recount?

  6. A Tale of Two Mice says:

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