
The top GOP member of the House Oversight Committee said it’s the height of hypocrisy that Democrats have done nothing to probe reports of voting irregularities in this election year. One America’s John Hines more from Washington.

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42 replies
  1. Jon Atkinson says:

    You people are all talk. Tired of no action. Zero faith in Republicans holding anyone accountable. Better do something soon, not sure the silent majority won't follow the declaration of independence and perform their duty to clean this up themselves. Get your butts in gear you sad pieces.

  2. Jeff Deaton says:

    The Democrats:
    move along theres nothin to see here !
    Republicans: lets take a look at all the legal votes the soft ware the numbers are not adding up !
    Democrats: your a racist with white privilege !!!

  3. Nother Toyou says:

    The AP can call whatever it wants, they are not the body that certifies the election. Donald Trump is still my President and I have a feeling after hearing Sidney Powell yesterday, he will continue to be my President.

  4. Thao Huynh says:

    This Saturday big protest slogan stop stealing in DC!Votes fraud who people stupidest know votes fraud! 30million American patriots arm gun back country!

  5. Isabelle Garza says:

    We need to focus on taking out the crooks in our states and cities then Target federal government and get the crooks out of there. They're unconstitutional and they don't give a damn about true American Citizen's. Biden is going to open borders and let all the Muslims in and then they'll take over starting with the first and second amendment being deleted from our constitution. Be prepared for a religious Revolution.

  6. Perry Gerfen says:

    The Democratic House DOES NOT DO THEIR JOBS FOR THE AMERICAN OROPLE WHO ELECTED THEM!!! They need to be voted out of their jobs! They are bought off and commanded to follow the agendas set forth for them!


    The media is the enemy of the people and traitors to America. We stand with President Trump. Time to rebel against the corrupt system.

    It’s not pandemic that will destroy this country but the corrupt media is our real enemy. Stupidity isn't a virus, but fake news media are sure spreading it like its one…reporters aren't journalists… They're left-wing activists! I feel sorry for Democrats and MSM because there is no vaccine for their stupidity!

  8. Andrew Landen says:

    GOP makes big gains in congress, Trump holds 95% approval of the Republican party, Biden doesn't campaign, but they expect us to believe that Biden won without mass illegal votes?


    Everybody knows there's no way that that potato Joe Biden got 80 million votes.
    Everybody knows President Trump won it's just a matter of will they let them get away with it.
    All of the lawyers and judges and courts knows what the truth is.
    Let's just pray to God they do the right thing 🙏

  10. marines0001 says:

    all should be outraged rep and dem if they stole the election and get away with it next time it may not go the way you would like! the simple fact of the last 5 states stopped counting then started again with all joe votes is proof enough. the fact they are fighting so hard to not allow a 2nd look shows guilt. only the guilty hide what is in their pockets

  11. Deanna Agbay says:

    Just so everyone is clear on where I stand… I voted for Trump/ Pence ! My ballot wouldn't go through either of the machines! When I asked what was going on they said it had been happening all day, just not to everyone. I was forced to re-sign my name again and submit a new ballot miraculously the machine took it. I still don't think my vote was actually counted!!!! I no longer trust the way we vote! We need to be able to walk up in person infront of both candidates with people videoing from both sides and cast our vote. You can't dispute it that way! It may be time consuming but I don't trust what we have been doing anymore!!!

  12. Tim Burton says:

    NOBODY can stop what is coming… it’s going to be biblical as to the extent and level of corrupt and who was involved… FAKE Lamestream Media can’t spin or hide the TRUTH… Supreme Court Justice will prevail for President Trump.

  13. dieselbricky says:

    Irregularities…smh..why don't you just quit being a political tool and call it what it is. Treason is a crime against the people who have more guns than the government. Remember that when the war comes.

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