
Congress is debating a resolution to disband or rename the Democrat Party over its long-standing ties to slavery, segregation and suppression of civil rights. One America’s Kristian Rouz examines Democrats’ dark past and present.

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40 replies
  1. Ric Rinehart says:

    If more African Americans need the truth about the history and how the Democrats kept them in slavery wanted to continue slavery introduced welfare which is slavery and are the main contributors to abortion versus genocide against black Americans they would probably all vote for Trump and a better way of life get out and vote people

  2. Eric Phelps says:

    Those of you that lost your loved my heart & prayers for you .
    Nothing can replace them
    But their will be a Class Action Law Suite .
    Imagine all the Democrats ,
    Their Fake Deepstate Propaganda MSM
    Saying that H C Q was bad. For you and wouldn't do anything for C V 19 .
    Come to find out it could have saved thousands of lives .
    Let alone not to be with your loved one passed alone .
    Tv Networks , F B , Twitter ,
    Radio all these Deepstate Leftist Dem's could be sued costing Billions !
    Dr Fauci is in with Big P H A R M A. , Bill G and the rest that could make huge amounts of money by saleing everyone over priced drugs .
    Instead of the cheap pills that have been around since the 50's .
    Godbless everyone .

  3. Standingbbbi says:

    These statues in congress (democraps still in office who supported/support slavery, discrimination, segregation, riots, imported violence (armies) at arm and weaponize rioters while requiring Americans freedoms be restricted due to covid19 spread by these imported rioters with no intent to restrain a single one).  Chicago (Illinois) will not restrain rioters but once again impose shelter at home for honest citizens.  Allow criminals to ignore 6 foot social rules while rioting and pretending to protest (including Illinois Governor), minimal use of masks and import known victims of covid 19  from other states (especially California) while running from illegals attack on American Citizens, but close honest restaurants, bars, churches and impose a new form of prohibition on American Citizens.  Yes, when Trump was shown how anti-bacteria products would contain if not kill viruses then foolishly suggested drinking anti-bacteria products.. he forgot bourbon, distilled whiskey, rum, vodka, etc which will also  assist in curing the virus in record time.

  4. Standingbbbi says:

    Do not allow democraps to hide by renaming their criminal participations in our government.  Remind them they lost the civil war so don't start another.

  5. Panda Banana says:

    The left: let's get rid of everything that has any racism in its past.
    The right: how about the party that fought to keep racism, slavery and founded the kkk.
    The left: covid! Reeeeeeeeee!

  6. . says:

    RealityWokeness is the enlightenment to the realization that racism in America only exists in the DemocratParty, sexism in America only exists in the DemocratParty, Fascism in America only exist in the DemocratParty, Liberalism is a cancer destroying America. If a person asks how healthcare can be improved for only a particular race or color then that person is racist. If thy want is not for all Americans but is for a particular race or color then thy are racist. Now, if you were not RealityWoke, you are now. When the DemocratParty creates laws many times they focus on a particular races, which is racist, when the RepublicanParty create laws they include all Americans. You never hear RepublicanVoters ask candidates how improvements will be made for a particular race, DemocratVoters seem to only ask how a candidate will do things for races with identity politics which is racist.

  7. Al Bundick says:

    Dismantle this party because changing the name doesn't change anything if the same people exist within it, look how long these Dems have been sitting in the same seat's.

  8. Juanita Gonzalez says:

    Amen ,Dear Rep Congressman Louie Gohmert . Get rid of their party completely . And that they can not come back under a new government name ( party ) and that that party its self has to pay money to the people who were killed as their ancestors are still awaiting restitution for those crimes . The party its self will then go broke and can not raise to it power again . Hillary we know is the holder of the Democrats money as that was one of her power plays as the Clinton foundation grew in power she took over the financial ends of the party … using both as the means to keep her strong hold and voice in the parties nominations and more .

  9. Nathan Fields says:

    These Marxist Democrats vomit stories of police injustice on black people. The Democrat Party openly acknowledge they are the people that vehemently advocated for legal abortion, at the tax payers expense. Knowing now. Of the 60 millions abortions since 1973 to 2017 over 57 million aborted were of color! The Marxist Democrats support covert population control of a certain race of people by "murder"! Doing so cloaked under the slogan "right to chose".

  10. Tony Biancofiore says:

    The Dems are the most racist party ever…..and the fools who bite fro them are ignorant of that fact …the republicans have and will always be the party t help minorities get out from under the oppression instilled upon them throughout history by the evil Dems …..looks at any run dem pare and you will see minorities at a disadvantage…wake up work people …open upon eyes and stop watching the dem run left wing propaganda cable news and learn the real truth

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