
Following the release of preliminary results from Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s review of FISA applications, some lawmakers on Capitol Hill are now even more alarmed about FBI-FISA abuses than before. One America’s John Hines has more from Washington.

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44 replies
  1. Lynn Stevenson says:

    Jim Jordan, where have you been, stuck somewhere way out of Media spotlight calling out how it is, and getting things done..
    Where was you put in the basement; where your voice isn't heard? I appreciate, and thank you for your continued fight AGAINST SWAMP RATS! PRAYING THAT GOD GIVES YOU STRENGTH,TRUTH, AND FAITH @ THIS TIME.. VERY, VERY, FEW THAT I TRUST; YOU SIR, ARE ONE OF THE FEW I ABSOLUTELY TRUST; ALONG WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP, NOT MANY ON THAT LIST. STAY STRONG GOD IS WITH YOU.💞🦅🇺🇸🦅🙏 4-5-2020

  2. Med Tech Natural's says:

    Trump is creating Task Force for China virus!
    Schiff and Pelosi of California are creating a committee to investigate Trump!

    This is your democrat party and left media.
    As Californians are dying these two assholes are still crooked enough to point fingers rather help save lives.

    Schiff and Pelosi can’t die soon enough!

  3. Hal 9000 says:

    No one seems to want to remove these sick anti-conservative from our government &
    I guess they are allowed to stay to show normal people exactly what they want nothing to do with.

  4. Katy Gaddis says:

    What about the surveillance of Innocent TI's (Targeted Individuals) citizens in U.S./Worldwide that aren't criminals, terrorists? Oh, apparently, Disable Veterans, Retired Sr Citizens, et als, don't count especially when we're God's predestined, chosen & anointed, or fact theorists seeking & standing on TRUTH. But U.S. govt rather aim their direct energy weapons(dews) @ us & call us everything but what we are, "called/chosen children of God." How bout it OAN, why aren't you covering TI's who are being Gangstalked & tormented by our own countries worldwide in America & Abroad? Love n Christ anyway, "daughter of Zion", Jer 6:2, Is 14:32, Micah 4:6, Eccl 7:11, et als, KJV ONLY & NOT BOWING🙏💜🙏

  5. Barry Allender says:

    What amazes me is the FISA Judges. Where are They? I dealt with Judges as a Police Officer and none would stand for FBI lying on an affadavit. Someone would be in jail..

  6. Tommy Case says:

    The Visa report was written years before Trump was even talking about running for office. They just changed some names and passed it off as real and credible.

  7. Tommy Case says:

    The real issue is that all these corrupt people have so much dirt on all the others that thet all pull together to fight to save all their assess.

  8. S A says:

    After Jerry retires, he will will have enough fabric left over from his neck tie either to make a Communist Chinese Flag or Red Turpin to join the Moroccan Mofties.

  9. Larry White says:

    I'm glad the traitor IG got fired! you never trumpers all need to go….we're also voting out the so called Republicans who are traitors also! mitt Romney your first…you've burned your bridge with the mormons

  10. WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot says:

    The US Gov't can't do anything right. Every household in America has to make a budget that works yet these "better than you" over paid idiots can't do it. They can't even follow the laws written since the beginning of the republic.

  11. Not Sure says:

    Blah blah… he'll piss and moan and then nothing will happen. Meantime Democrats are trying conservatives for parking tickets. Lemme know when someone actually goes to jail.

  12. steve combs says:

    This court has no balls or courage unless we see some convictions for this fisa abuse I do not want it to be further authorized and neither does most of America once they understand if they're not going to protect us from these abusers of this law there's no reason to reauthorize it fallible do is encourage these SOB's that do it again and again if they don't like somebody. Of course doing this the justice department

  13. Luis Hernandez says:

    Investigate 👑 19 . How too many people are infected. Maybe was with those Flushot ….WAKE UP BROTHERS AND SISTERS. Someone want to Destroy our country

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