
Congressman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) sat down with One America’s John Hines to share his thoughts on FBI Director Christopher Wray, the recent indictment of former FBI attorney Kevin Clinesmith and the connections surrounding the Steele dossier.

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45 replies
  1. NonCompliance None says:

    If Obama, Hillary, Freaky Bill, and Biden don't go to prison for life this all means nothing as far as I'm concerned. No wonder the left is out of control, nobody holds them accountable, in turn, making this a lawless country.

  2. dilbertjunkmail says:

    Christopher Wrey IS party of the swamp! He is more cautious about covering for others to keep some degree of confidence in the agency by the American people! The American people would be better served if the Intelligence agencies were reorganized by replacing the head of the snakes.

  3. Chris Choir says:

    The only problem is he pleaded guilty which means he is jet goign to take the fall for Obozo and the crime family. A few mil will show up in his bank account in a couple weeks.

  4. Dinky says:

    Parnas, Nunes, Shokin, Giuliani and Manafort share a gorgeous Kremlin-donated luxury villa on the Russian-occupied Crimean Black Sea coast

  5. Chad Reeves says:

    No offense to you Devin, but there are many in your party who would prefer this never comes out. We do not need a report. We need indictments to make sure the left can not perpetrate another coup like this ever again.

  6. fjandgoob says:

    politicians are IMMUNE to arrest an punishment!! besides blogdadavich in shittcago, NAME one freakin politician EVER arrested and sentenced AND SERVED TIME!!

  7. M Hu says:

    This started out with SWAT teams and full gear fed agents arresting Trumps people at home in full tactical type arrests. To now the first of the traitors are getting arrested.

  8. Tony Barwick says:

    The fact that the main stream media doesn’t care to get to the truth just shows how.corrupt they truly are ! They are so corrupt and just hope it shows in this election!

  9. keithadams812 says:

    There's not gonna be any indictments no one's going to get in trouble republicans are Cowards.. I want to elect hyper partisan hateful to democrats Conservatives….. I want republicans just as evil as democrats this is where we are now

  10. Mikey Steelie says:

    With what Clinesmith is being charged with and the penalty he is being threatened with after the high crime he commited, it is a slap on the wrist and a falling on his sword to protect the criminals up the chain. There is still no clean up and still a cover up by the creatures in the swamp. With what I have seen, I have absolutely no faith in our Justice system. Enjoy

  11. Marc Stecker says:

    Just listen to Nunes. Concerning FBI Chief Christopher Wray, we have bigger targets and we should not take our eyes away from the target. Apparently, Nunes doesn't think the criminals activities of FBI Chief Christopher Wray are anything to worry about. Instead, everyone please keep your eyes on the fall guy……no one ever heard of. Remember folks, in order to continue this government criminality, it is imperative we all keep our eyes away from the master criminals who direct the activities of all these offices. 3 3/4 years of Trump = zero indictments. If you are ok with this, don't forget to give Trump 4 more years to finish destroying our rule-of-law.

  12. Todd Griffith says:

    Christopher Wray refused to provide General Flynn's lawyer, Sidney Powell with exculpatory evidence just sitting in the FBI's files. AG Bill Barr had to go outside the beltway, to the Eastern District of Missouri, to get US Attorney Jeff Jensen (Who was a former FBI agent) to pull the file at the FBI himself and provide it to Sidney Powell. This was spoliation of evidence, obstruction of justice and a coverup.

  13. Dr Quakquak says:

    Lol you just got one stupid dude gets indicted for falsifying a doc, Trump still in multiple investigations and his inner circle continuously gets indicted.

  14. John Henry says:

    The Clinesmith Indictment and Gilty plea PROVES that the FBI knew Carter Page was a CIA asset and NOT a Russian spy !

    Everybody at the FBI involved with the Careter Page FISA knew that, and they lied. They Lied to the DOJ, they Lied to Mueller
    ( who already knew ), they Lied to Congress, and they Lied to the Senate. Why ? Because the Carter Page FISA was the FOUNDATION of Crossfire Hurricane. The FISA gave them permission to SPY on the Trump Campaign. It all ALL a fraud, a complete SET UP.

  15. Quentin Servantes says:

    The plot is no longer a theory, it is uncovered, in full light, and every day it touches consciousnesses which until then lived in the world before.
    The next world will be much, much better, rid of these dark souls.
    It’s the transition that worries me.

  16. JAMES the man says:

    Hillary Clinton and democrats blames everyone but her self  definition :
    A 'blamer' is a type of narcissist (meaning they have an inflated sense of self) who, in their own eyes, can do no wrong. Everything that happens wrong around or to them, whether their own fault or not, is immediately blamed on the other people in their life.

  17. kamaeq says:

    Given the way the Clinesmith "plea agreement" was altered at the court, plus the over one year delay after the entire Clinesmith case was a slam dunk, plus the lack of anything requiring Clinesmith to flip and turn state's evidence against his fellow conspirators, plus the DOJ supporting Hillary against Judicial Watch, plus the FBI refusing to turn over documents to Congress, plus the DOJ/FBI stonewalling of FOIA requests from third parties… This is the end of the case. There is nothing more. Barr and Durham to all appearances have totally betrayed the trust patriotic citizens had in them in favor of a coverup to "preserve the institution".

    Unless there is a sudden mass arrest event of Dems that have had more than sufficient evidence for several years to convict them of multiple felonies, this is an out and out betrayal. Rep Nunes, good man that he is, hopes for, as do I for a ballots & judicial solution to this open sedition. It does not appear to be happening. Which means there is only one other option and the one thing they are hoping for is our respect for law enforcement staying our hand, because if you notice, when violence occurs between these traitors and patriots, the cops ALWAYS try to get the patriots to back down.

    Remember all, if it goes from ballots to bullets, it becomes a two answer solution, they are for us or they are against us and their uniform doesn't matter. Hopefully, they will be for the people instead of following the unlawful orders of their cowardly political bosses. At this point, every federal law enforcement arm should be considered accessories to these crimes and all of their actions illegal. There are no longer any "honest, hardworking" FBI agents. They are all guilty as accessories.

  18. Dayne Cox says:

    Why can you not put them in Jail, you have the proof Comey and here said it on TV same with Biden the same his on TV Or will they get off scot-free. Still one Lew for us and one Lew for them.

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