
Newly obtained evidence has revealed the woman who accused a former Missouri governor of sexual abuse was bribed to make false allegations against him. One America’s Ethan Viveiros has the latest on the case.

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44 replies
  1. Eric W says:

    A bribe that basically ruins someones life…. people who falsely accuse someone of sexual assault need to go to jail for the same amount of time a sex offender would!

  2. cyberjoe77 says:

    He should press charges because this will just continue with someone else. No consequences means more of these types of false accusations. Remember, “no one is above the law”….but I guess that only applies to republicans.

  3. Roger Dodger says:

    YouTube violates my first amendment right to free speech. Furthermore, YouTube manipulates search data, to display misinformation and corral the herd towards their communist agenda.

  4. Roger Dodger says:

    Im filings a complaint against YouTube for violating my first amendment rights. Although privately owned, YouTube operates in the public sphere as a communications company. By restricting free speech, youtube restricts my freedom to express myself. I'm contacting my Senator and filing a complaint

  5. Chris Adams says:

    Both pieces of S*** should be jailed for years and should be made to give a public statement and required to reimburse him for his attorney fees, loss of wages and for stress and damage. About $5 million worth.

  6. Mario Cadena says:

    So they are playing dirty politics against Republicans??? Nooo, how can that be? Oh the humanity, everyone knows the left and the deep state are the most honest and tolerant people ever. Those Republicans must be guilty of something, investigate them all until we find a crime, if no crime is found, make one up.

  7. Double Aught says:

    The problem is they accomplished their purpose…he resigned didnt he?…hes exonerated but the intent of him not being in the politidal process was accomplished right?
    What a fiasco….
    Isnt this McCaskells state? Ummmm?

  8. David Williams says:

    they all need to go to jail… bribery, extortion, u name it,,,
    and they're demonrats, they do it all the time, b/c they get away with it
    put em all away, and it'll stop

  9. Anonymous says:

    This is why Democrats MUST NEVER be in control of our government again.
    They have EMBRACED GUILTY until proved innocent, guilt by association, hearsay, gossip, innuendo, supposition.
    Do you want someone like that in CHARGE of YOUR justice system?

  10. Stormsmack says:

    Isnt that woman the AG in Missouri? She should be stripped of her office and charges w misconduct and prosecuted to the fullest extent. She is a criminal and has no place running a office of justice. Theres a special place in Hell for her ilk.

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