
According to new reports, former Intelligence Inspector General Michael Atkinson was involved in the debunked Russian collusion story and the abuse of FISA authority. This adds to claims of his mishandling of the Ukraine whistleblower case. One America’s Kristian Rouz examines the claims.

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32 replies
  1. just me says:

    This is all great news but it is nothing if none of these RATS are held accountable for their action's. We have been patiently awaiting Schiff/Pelosi/Nadler/Obama/Hillary/Green/Jackson Lee and a host of others to be held accountable for crimes against we the people and our Republic,yet nothing but more chin music from Washington. These people are not alone in this travesty of justice there is a host of Republicans that were in it as deep. Trump has done as he said and has had to and continues to fight this overwhelming corruption, these people have sold out our nation for pieces of gold and need to be held for treason. All the so called progressives are now seeing how they were duped by Sanders and AOC along with the squad, they are starting to devour each other as we were warned long ago. It is not possible to overtake the Democrat party and push these progressive ideals on them it is going to take another party to accomplish this, the days of Truman are long since gone and the Clinton/Soros group are in control.

  2. Jane Young says:

    Just wait! Lunatic lefties will continue to spin this to make Atkinson the poor attacked victim. This has to stop! I've had enough of their attacks on my President!

  3. hawk-eye says:

    For the life me I do not understand why Trump didn't replace all those Obama appointed Democrats hacks when he got into office ( Obama replaced all ambassadors and replaced most heads of departments as soon as he took office ) and he got away with murder in the process ) Trump would had avoided himself and his admin lots of problems if he followed what other presidents have done, I do not know if this is part of his plan but… he would've had plenty of time and less strain on working on the American plan to better American lives and world order than he otherwise had, the whole world has been shaking its head over the past 3 plus years on why he has allowed all that Democrat circus and the back stabbings to go full bore, it doesn't make any sense when you want to punish yourself in that way, had he acted as others have done ( clean house ) the world would had more respect and support to do most things he wanted to do… as it is he turn out to be a great President.. but he would've been a far greater president.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I'm glad I'm not Atkinson. Getting away with treason, perjury, fraud, being owned by The Low is okay for one of the lowest of lower life forms, but I'd worry about that "karma," "destiny," etc. stuff. For now, I just hope he's still holding hands with Adam ChickenSchiff when the truck runs over him, since the authorities are in hiding except when Barr comes out to read another empty speech. Atkinson and Schiff fabricated the whistle blower story, blaming Schiff's invisible little friend who talks in his sick, turd-infested head. Atkinson apparently made some kind of true statement during the secret rehearsal for the lies he was supposed to spew in the impeachment follies. Dangerously insane Schiff will kill him as soon as the transcript of his failed practice session is erased.

  5. bertraminc says:

    ANYONE AND EVERYONE involved with the FISA court is guilty of abuse in the form of constitutional violation. The FISA court is an unconstitutional court which meets in private and can not be reviewed by the public. It is a corrupt systems wet dream. It needs to be dismantled… YESTERDAY! It has always been corrupt and it always will be corrupt by definition.

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