
President Trump took action this week when he fired the Director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Christopher Krebs. One America’s Stephanie Myers spoke with retired senior executive at the Department of Homeland Security, Keith Trippie, about the decision and U.S. election security.

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20 replies
  1. yootube_hates_freespeech says:

    Dear Mr. Trippie, here are the answers to your questions: can you change a vote? YES YOU CAN it's admitted to openly in the USER MANUAL. It's a feature! It's on page 475 to 482 of the user manual. The manual is freely downloadable on the internet. Where have you been?

  2. J. Lucero de Godoi says:

    … they have already said that the machines could be manipulated through a wifi link… and were being manipulated in real time… 🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️…

  3. David Barnett says:

    Wait a second…you want to ask the software designers what? The operating manual, which is available 18 different ways, specifically gives instructions on changing votes in numerous categories and in real time.

  4. Richard Llewellyn says:

    Who is behind this coup, Great Britain the City of London HRH and her Privy Counsel. England committed an act of war against the United States of America with help from the United States Corperation.

  5. Tom Jenkins says:

    I hope Trump's team actually gets a hold of some of these Dominion machines..especially the ones in those heavy democrat cities. I wouldn't doubt if the liberals destroy them or wipe the memories of them. It's what these criminals do. COMMIT THE CRIME THEN DESTROY ALL THE EVIDENCE. Hillary's emails anyone?

  6. Turbo999be says:

    Lawyers are not entitled to do INVESTIGATIONS that is the role of the FBI. It's about time that the FBI start a full investigation on this issue, the fact that nothing in the DOJ/FBI is moving is quite alarming to say the least… unless they are working under the radar but to this point nothing as surfaced yet.

  7. Turbo999be says:

    Who said the CIA is a State inside the State and wanted to get rid of it ? Kennedy. Who was making up a phony accusation of russian interference in the 2016 elections for 4 years ? CIA and FBI. Who created the DHS in 2002 ? Bush, a known globalist. At this point, you can be 100% sure, the Deep State reside in the CIA, FBI and DHS. Anything coming out of these ABC administrations is lies upon lies. Hopefully the NSA is still managed by patriots and they seized the famous server in Germany.

  8. James Linnstrom says:

    This guy convinced me of my suspicion: DHS is totally worthless. If it weren't for Rudy and Sidney legal team, these guys will blindly certify the election as being valid. Why? Because they are essentially a rubber stamp agency. They have NO idea what the heck is going on.

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