
Many states are still working to finish true vote totals amid ongoing lawsuits from the Trump campaign. One America’s Jack Posobiec spoke with pollster Richard Barris to get the latest updates on states still in contention for this election.

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24 replies
  1. Nunya Bidness says:

    State legislatures determine fraud, appoint the electors.. not governor, not sec of state nor election commissions We must call him to restore power back to state legislatures in special session to select electors according to the Ga LAW regarding massive fraud. 404-656-1776 CALL

  2. Marie Devine says:

    This is our Creator and Savior at work; MUCH evil is being exposed all at once. This will end the Democrat Party's evil plans and leave them no power. The law of "Do unto others as you would have done unto you" is about to hit Democrats. Hopefully, they will cry unto the Savior and tell Satan they refused to be used by him any longer. Confess sins and God forgives sins; and for us "righteous" folks, forgive others so we can be forgiven. Free heart and mind of fear, hatred, condemnation, false witness, and manipulation. Live in God's freedom and love.

    This is all the height of power of our God. REJOICE ALL. We all play a part, depending on whether we want God to rule our lives or not. We ALL fit into God's triumphant plan somewhere. Choose the good part.

  3. Parthasarathi Rath says:

    The end-game is clear:
    Trump knows he's lost.
    He knows he's broke.
    He will use his last few days in power to con his supporters in the name of his "recount fund".
    Republicans will play along till the Georgia run-offs in January to avoid losing his supporters.
    He will resign in January and have VP Mike Pence become president and pardon him and his family for tax fraud and other crimes.
    He will pay off his divorce settlement from the "recount fund" and retire in mar-a-lago selling national secrets to the highest bidder.

  4. TurdFurgeson says:

    Baris was dead on accurate all night on election night. The guy knows what he's talking about . It's insane that shithole twitter canceled him and his wife. Frigging disgraceful.

  5. marty conroy says:

    This is the ONLY person I trusted Election Night and days later until youtube banned Warroom. He saw the Milwaukee anomaly at 4:35am, yes, he knew the exact time, before anyone did.

  6. Clint Stutts says:

    Just a note on provisional ballots: these are ballots that are cast in person when it is determined the person cannot vote a normal ballot. This can be for a number of reasons such as not being able to produce valid ID, not being found in the voter roll, etc. I just served on the provisional ballot board in my county here in Texas, and our rejection rate of provisional ballots was around 98%. Don't expect provisional ballots to make much of a difference at all in PA.

  7. Lynn Please says:

    The “Million MAGA March” event is scheduled for this Saturday, Nov. 14 in Washington, D.C., and will proceed from the White House all the way to the Supreme Court in support of free and honest elections.

  8. J V says:

    I’m sick and tired of hearing how judges won’t overturn elections, if not what and why do they exist?

    If they do not overturn this obvious and blatant corruption especially this level of fraud then they aren’t worth the price of the chairs they sit upon.

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