
Richard Higgins, a former member of the National Security Council, has argued a narrative is developing within mainstream media coverage of the Trump campaign’s ongoing legal challenges to reported results in the election and that this could pose a danger to national security. One America’s Lilia Fifield spoke with Higgens and has more.

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44 replies
  1. DTOM, ¿eStamos? says:

    The really scary thing is that while there was a steady drift to the left over the past four years by conservative online news sites and tv journalists such as Tucker or Laura Ingraham, it was the abrupt lurch into full blown propaganda a couple weeks before the election, and then another move further leftward on election night that was so jarring. I expected the media to announce a Biden win regardless of election results and I expected the results to be overwhelming for Trump. I predicted that two plus years ago. What I did not expect was the sudden switch from Trump supporters to full blown Biden globalist zombies overnight. I think they all know Trump won and will be sworn in, but by telling everyone that Biden won, they can make the ultimate Trump win seem like a stolen election overturning an already official and established and legitimate Biden victory. They have their fantasy alternative reality and it will get the goon squads and terrorists antifa and BLM out burning cities and cracking skulls coast to coast. They think. But…I think Trump will declare martial law when he declares victory and will have the full force of the federal government crush these thugs and anarchists immediately and mercilessly. It would be wise to take over all media at the same time. And suspend the Constitution until we sort out who is going to jail and who is going to hang for this attempted coup.

  2. RANDY RQBBINS says:

    People it’s about a few hundred thousand assholes that control what you see and hear from the lying ass MSM, telling 3.4 million people what to do, think, believe and even to the point that a Red Hat is racist.
    A thousand bad people couldn’t take over a state. Give them the lying ass media, Pedowood and the face of the Democrats and boom, they can take over because these folks keep lying. Deny, Deny, Deny until the end. That’s the farm way.

  3. Eric says:

    Angry, mentally unstable leftards are MOST DEFINITELY a threat to civilized society. The truth is abhorrent and intolerable to these wonderful folks.

  4. Greg Hamilton says:

    The Democrats & the media have been pushing the whole "Trump won't commit to moving out of the White House if he loses" bit since the day after the 2016 election.
    I used to wonder why the were so hung-up on what he would or wouldn't do so far into the future… Now, it's crystal clear.
    They were just laying the ground-work…

  5. Jbert C says:

    The corrupt news networks want us to believe that there is no organized crime in the country and the world is a perfect place. I'm glad we can rely on OAN for the truth.

  6. 택자 says:

    In the midst of darkness, God's faithfulness shines even more for the sons of heaven to break the darkness! The manifestation God's Son President Trump, President Park Geun-hye says, " "God didn't invite anyone who didn't wear the gown of truth!!! Don't pollute the world with fraud!!!" Those who have eyes and ears will hear and see and follow the light to see what God is saying in this earthly phenomenon!!! No matter how dark, Wish you a pure soul who can enjoy the whirlpools of light and darkness, let alone despair!

  7. seahawk100 says:

    If it is a Federal Decision being Determined- i.e. Electing a POTUS, then there SHOULD Be a FEDERAL STANDARD. It Only STANDS TO REASON.
    Each state may have their Own Standards for electing State officials. NOT For Electing the POTUS.

  8. B. Glynn says:

    Higgins is a bit short on observational skills. When Trump is proven to have won in a landslide, it will be less than 20% of the population that will be upset. The protesters you will see on TV are paid anti FA actors who will cry like children when they begin to understand the next 10 years or so for them will be in prison. God Wins!

  9. DICK Long says:

    There's more red States and Republican towns and cities in Republican states then they are blue States we will cut off all comers going down any Interstate any train track whatever we have to do to prevent socialism we will do it and a threat will not messing with National Security we're just stating the fact don't fuc with the damn Constitution and we might all get out of this alive they are dancing on the edge of a razor blade

  10. DICK Long says:

    You don't have to worry about the future you going to see what happens now this election will be turned over back to Trump. And those guilty in the coup attempt will be executed for high treason

  11. DICK Long says:

    All media who are disrespectful to Kayleigh mcenany alter Trump or whoever's in the White House if they refuse to print the real news the truth on air and on paper did they lose their White House Press privileges PERIOD

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