
After Hours catches up with Danielle D’Souza Gill – conservative activist and author of the book “The Choice” – to discuss how the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barret brings forth the topic of abortion to the Supreme Court.

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45 replies
  1. Mark Penland says:

    Aloha All, As an RN who specialized in neonatal intensive care as well as pediatric intensive care, I know for certain we can & I have worked with babies as small as 900+ grams! So, destroying any neonate in the third trimester is MURDER OF THE HELPLESS INNOCENTS, my little buddies whom I loved & worked so hard to save as the "Hands of God" GIVING LIFE! Please vote Republican to save our neonates & America from leftist fascist tyranny! Mark RN, PHN II retired ☯️🕉🌋🌴😎🙏

  2. Guy of the Storm says:

    Planned parenthood has become the sacrificial offering to Moloch. The God most deep staters are referring to when they mention God. Only one you've ever heard call Jesus Christ is the boss is Trump.

  3. Tom Edwards says:

    I'm in a tough spot. Can you be pro-life but also not like nor can afford ready made families? If the woman has kids, that's a deal breaker. I don't naturally not like kids, I'm just not good with 'em and nor would I ever have the time.

  4. Miss Sue says:

    Heaven forbid they can't commit murder in the name of Moloch.
    The only good part of abortion is it means less leftist being raised by ignorant, racist bitches.

  5. Kenneth Schauer says:

    All democrats care about is tobe able to murder babies and they're worried about 500 at the border that don't have parents they blame Trump because he won't hand them over to see trafficking democrats

  6. Leonardokite says:

    I was so fortunate to witness my daughters ultrasound almost 3 months ago. With modern ultrasound, even the digitally enhanced face can be seen. If I can look upon my granddaughters face at this point in time, life is firmly established. Life begins well for this experience. Please people, don't treat life as disposable before birth. Unfortunately, the same thing can be said for life after an arbitrarily determined lifespan. A.k.a. old people.

  7. Jack Hartigan says:

    Chelsea Clinton, in a speech to a feminist group laments that her great-grandparents "didn't have access.. to Planned Parenthood" (Wonders why everyone considers her an idiot)

  8. lily 714 says:

    Vote the baby killers and eaters out out out of our government America before the CREATOR of all things wipes us out. HE will not tolerate this abomination. To vote Demon-crat amounts to you voting to imprison and impoverish your own self.

  9. Proudmule1 says:

    5 of the 6 right-wing justices now on the court were nominated/confirmed by Republican presidents that did not win the popular vote when they became president, the vote of the people.

    That is not letting the people speak.

    The people did not want these men as presidents much less want them making supreme court justice nominations.

    Democracies don't do this.

  10. Sam Perkins says:

    February 7th – Trump admits to Bob Woodward in a recorded interview he knows exactly how deadly and contagious Covid-19 is.

    March 2nd – 15 reported covid-19 cases here in the US. Trump tells America all 15 are getting better and soon that number will be zero.

    Today: Over 8.3 million US covid-19 infections, more than 224,000 American citizens already dead and buried, and just yesterday, the United States reported more than 500,000 new Covid-19 cases within the past 7 days – the highest total yet since the beginning of the pandemic.

    Vote for Donald Trump if you want thousands and thousands more Americans to die ..

    Donald j Trump – making America great again-one body bag at a time

  11. ddc163264 says:

    How is Susan Collins still allowed to be called a republican or even a
    "conservative" or "moderate". What reason did she have to be the ONLY
    republican to not vote for Barrett? She could have voted "present". No,
    she voted with the DEMOCRATS. That will allow Schumer to be able to say
    that the vote AGAINST Barrett was "bi-partisan".

  12. Sam McCormack says:

    My solutions for wade vs roe is to abolish it except for special reasons . Then put the morning after pill and birth control pills over the counter so women can have access to them.

  13. Grey Man says:

    I believe it’s a woman’s body so it’s their choice but the Democrats are just sick with what they want allowed. Really, you shouldn’t be able to get an abortion after say three months. If you can’t make up your mind in three months you obviously want to keep it. I definitely think women should be able to abort a fetus from a rape, no question about it. It it wasn’t for the Democrats disgusting late term crap & killing babies after they are born it wouldn’t even be an issue.

  14. donald b. pardy says:

    I read an article in Canada,about only Canada,a few years back and it stated that over a 10 year period around a million babies were aborted in the country.I was shocked.The article also stated that many women had aborted more than three babies and some even more than that;wtf.
    Since Canada has only a small percentage of the US population I can only image how many babies were aborted there.It's truely shocking on a grand scale.

  15. Privatepilot says:

    Liberals are in a frenzy. If they stop abortions how are the Luciferians going to be able to do human sacrifice anymore?!? It will have to be performed in underground. Sorry Moloch you’re out of here! Isn’t it strange that some of the most bizarre “conspiracies” turn out to be fact?

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