
Sarah Huckabee Sanders just released a new book about her time working as the White House Press Secretary. Sanders joined One America’s Jack Posobiec to discuss her book.

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34 replies
  1. keith cox says:

    Why dr. Fauci even try to get through fox news viewers is not worth it..they are stuck on stupid and believe every lie Donald Trump says…gee I wished herman Caine would have took the virus more seriously than listened to trump

  2. Harry Canary says:

    Good old Sarah,we miss you ! She battled and bested the press every day and never lost her cool even once. Classy, smart,and hard-working lady,her Dad deserves to be proud

  3. Blue Terrace says:

    Kayleigh is starting to looking tired and worn down from dealing with the MSM. Before long I hope she joins former press secretaries Spicer and Huckerbee-Sanders in well earned retirement and cashes in with a sweet book deal.

  4. Tari Fauth says:

    I hope she sells tons! She was the most picked on press secretary in my recent history…the left totally lost any credibility with me when I saw them attack her on a daily basis, even Jim Carrey was put on my do not watch list, after he painted a very unflattering picture of her and then made sure he used his celebrity status to go live with it to the msm, THE LEFT ARE THE MOST RACIST INTOLERANT BIGOTS! IVE EVER WITNESSED!

  5. Doug Shaw says:

    You know Obama wants a copy …Helldog, too! I bet a LOT of Democrats buy it thinking they can pick it apart. We will see. They are getting close to amok time, again.

  6. Sabe JR says:

    I got her book on Audio, it is so interesting – and the audio allows her to showcase Trump's special speeches too. Thank you for giving us this additional information Sarah HS! We love you! Trump 2020-2024

  7. Kremlin Official says:

    COVID-19 MYTH: Only older adults are at risknFACT: SARS-CoV-2, like other coronaviruses, can infect people of any age. However, older adults and individuals with preexisting health conditions, such as diabetes or asthma, are more likely to become severely ill.

  8. Mike Church says:

    ok, i like OAN, but chopped up this interview, and didn't let her finish, or cut the video before she was done, and thats not ok w me. you owed her an apology. and a complete interview. as usual,she was very considerate, and graceful, and i would vote for her into any office she ran for. shes a true patriot, and good person. the kind we need more of in DC.

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