
Disturbing new details have emerged about the presumed death of Fort Hood soldier Vanessa Guillen. One America’s Mary Holman reports.

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24 replies
  1. Yanson Mendoza says:

    African, black, BLM member kills a soldier on federal land! Not on CNN, wtf! Sickening how biased and fake the media has become, we are being turned into a 3rd world country by domestic terrorists and the media’s fake portrayal of events!

  2. Familia Vazquez says:

    May she Rest In Peace and May God, who is just, bring something good out of this evil. Thanks for covering this while most people remain silent on the topic.

  3. Clippa says:

    This is all that privileged white girls father’s fault! You can tell she’s probably a product of some liberal college by that ugly pink hair.

  4. elkarlos814 says:

    My heart goes out to her family. Unfortunately, I think America is headed for a race war. This man's head on a lance. Notice i did not refer to him as black or even a POS black as that would be racist.

  5. og atkinson says:

    No, we dont need congressional input into this investigation. Homicides happen everyday in this country, stop making a federal crime of every murder.

  6. Quick Wahay says:

    Whenever I see a person with freaky colored hair I always move to the other side of the street. I do the same for people that can't accept their God given gender.

  7. SiglundR says:

    Great. Now we're out three soldiers because of a policy that allows men and women to serve together in the military. Another great reason for Putin to laugh at us! Social Justice at Any Cost!! Murder! Suicide! It's ALL GOOD!!

  8. Wesley Bickel says:

    An armory is thick concrete walls, and has limited access. And every single building is filled with copious amounts of cleaning supplies. It's completely plausible. But the stalker should have been transferred to another part of the post. Sexual harassment is a serious issue and is normally taken very seriously. Her chain of command failed her and need to be relieved of dity

  9. James Hitchens says:

    The entire chain of command should be RELIEVED OF COMMAND IMMEDIATELY.
    They are worthless as leaders as they failed this soldier so miserably and completely.
    There is so much being covered up it is sickening.
    I speak as a U.S. Army veteran that has served in The Cold war and Desert Shield/Desert Storm.

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