
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo remains confident President Trump is headed for a second term after the final election results are certified. One America’s Hans Hubbard reports.

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43 replies
  1. ChiliPepper says:

    Election Director in Oregon was fired by text because he dared to question its antiquated software (that quite possibly could be easily interfered with) This needs to STOP! I think the Democrats have been fiddling with the mail-in ballots for Washington and Oregon for decades.

  2. Bill Carp says:

    Google placing that notice about the AP calling the election for Biden is stupid. Everyone knows there's been cheating. Google is still trying (unsuccessfully) to influence the outcome.

  3. Toni O. says:

    🚨 A new fake post promoted by Russian Troll Farms! Their goal is to use false information to undermine the U.S. election and Americans sense of trust. They post video that is obscure and misleading. The posts have thousands of views upon initial loading because they hack the page and Russian bots create the fake views. Hundreds of comments in favor of one candidate (Trump) with fake likes are loaded in by one individual with the help of bots. There are few comments after an initial post.

  4. B LAM says:

    Like I've said. I believe biden is making back door deals with these people to sell america down the toilet. 40 plus year of NOTHING from this evil man.

  5. Genus Perit says:

    Yay! north carolina and alaska finally counted for trump!! nice nice.!! the Can we say now that the light started to shine on the dark night and cloudy sky of people like me who really believe that trump really won this election?!!! It is yes people?!! woohoo!! seems the trump's train engine was finally repaired and started to roll out again.!!! We believe you mr. secretary pompeo? trump second term is comin'.!!!

  6. SD says:

    Why not make sure that you are truly saved by Jesus Christ and practice this way. Remorsefully confess with your heart your sins to Jesus Christ who is God and tell Him that you right now are repenting of your sins and you want to be born again of the Spirit from above. Tell Jesus that you are remorsefully sorry for breaking His commandments and that you are begging for forgiveness from Him. Allow His blood from the cross to wash away your sins. After this is done with your heart successfully the Holy Spirit will come to live within you and He will rebuild you from the inside out.

    Look for signs that you are saved. Things like spreading the good news from Jesus, getting other people saved, a craving for the word of God, reading the Bible, etc… These things are known as a calling and fruit bearing. If you're not bearing fruit then keep doing it. Sometimes it takes time to get saved. Read Matthew chapter 13 from the King James Bible. God bless!!!!!!!

  7. Francisco Lopez says:

    the Democrats are so desperate to win back the presidency that they would put Joe Biden up for president and Camilla as vice president Clinton's are very nervous right now Obama is very nervous right now if they have to resort to these tactics there has a be a lot to lose.

  8. Sean Valdivia says:

    Dear Jesus, my LORD, my God, I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that you died on the Cross for my sins. I confess that I am a sinner and that without you I would be hopelessly lost. Please forgive me of my sins and cover me in your Precious Blood. In my spirit I stand in agreement with what Brother Marcus Rogers and so many other Brothers and Sisters of your Body have said about four more years of grace, even though the demonic broadcasting that the witches of this world are performing against our President Donald Trump have made it seem otherwise. From a worldly perspective, through my own imperfect and ignorant fleshly eyes, another term for Donald Trump seems absolutely impossible. Such is the great power of the dark sorcery that the witches of this world have cast against our President Donald Trump. I therefore step out in complete and utter faith on this one, oh Mighty God, oh Lion of Judah. The deception is so intricrately woven that no human being alive, in his or her own flesh, nor any team of humans, could beat it. We The People are incapable of defeating this deception. Without you, Biden WILL win. Therefore, when the opposite happens, when the impossible happens, when the fraud is completely exposed for what it is, and when Donald Trump is officially elected for a second term, LET YOUR NAME AND NO OTHER BE GLORIFIED. Let all know that YOU AND YOU ALONE ARE GOD. Let all know that YOUR MIGHT is greater than the might of all the witches, evil spirits, and dark magic of this world. Let all of us, your children, who love and follow you, who obey and worship you the best that we can while always striving to be better for you, saved only by your Precious blood, let us KNOW THAT YOU AND YOU ALONE DID THIS. Let all glory go to you. Let all praise go to you. I beg you, Jesus, my LORD, my God, my Redeemer, to give us this MIRACLE. Jesus, in your Precious Name, I pray, amen. Dear Donald Trump, the swamp runs deeper than ANY of us could have ever imagined!

  9. Shiloh Phoenix says:

    Radical lefties are having meltdowns at what he said. So why do the they fear our great president's legal team exposing their rampant dem voter fraud, when they "claim" there wasn't any? They know what they did and still trying to do, and they won't be able to steal the election away. The court system through litigation and recounts after throwing out the illegal ballots will give President Trump and VP Pence a decisive victory!

  10. hartfordlin says:

    ,.-Lost American value –>Biden , Democratic Party , CNN ,Fox News, the Washington Post, New York Times, Politico, CBS, ABC, NBC,yahoo news,Twitter, FB……
    Biggest winner –>CCP
    Not a loser–>Donald Trump
    Creator–>Donald Trump–>Make America Great Again!
    God bless America!

  11. Shila smith says:

    🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏just Trump

  12. TuB_BoomH Ncuav says:

    To those out there who think that Biden won are either an idiot or a liberals. It is every American citizens constitutional right for a fair election to cast ballot vote (legal vote) and make sure it gets counted. Regardless if it’s a Democrats or Republicans to make sure it’s fair and no cheating on either side.

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