
Google is, once again, in the cross-hairs of Congress after Utah Sen. Mike Lee raised questions about whether the tech giant has violated antitrust laws and is operating as a monopoly. One America’s John Hines caught up with Lee, who chairs the antitrust panel of the Senate Judiciary Committee, and has more from Washington.

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30 replies
  1. Denise Bilby says:

    BREAK THEM UP! MAKE THEM PUBLISHERS! They are censoring and controlling all information. They are hurting Christians and Conservatives. Start by NOT Taking their money!

  2. LEONIDAS says:

    GOOGLE IT ! …. Means you get the answer they choose for you. More and more I see things disappearing and find myself limited to nothing but Left Wing Group Think for answers.

  3. Andrew Sitto says:

    Election Fraud Alert:

    Push back on massive Mail ballots. Ripping up of Republican ballots or falsely putting legal ballots in the illegal ballot pile for personal party gain. They’re going to say your vote was not post-marked properly!
    Left wants to benefit from the voter fraud that will result. Just look at NY primaries, it took them over a month after the primaries and they still haven’t figured it out. They threw out 20% of the ballots, do you want your ballot to be one of them? We are mailing 43,000,000 mass ballots, ballots that no one asked for. This excludes the ballots you requested & verified for. On these ballots, there is no actual citizen verification check if someone says they are an American citizen on their ballot. Ballots for dead people. Counting 17 days after the election. It’s not just the presidential contest, there is senate contest, house contest and many more public office roles. The other contests will be even more significantly impacted, we can’t let any of it happen. It’s not a secure way to vote, even where it is secured, it’s not secured enough. In-person.

    Pennsylvania and North Carolina has two million extra names on the roles. For example, In one county Allegheny county was notified to remove 69,000 extra false names from their roles. A pool of “inactive” registered voters that are drawn for fraud. Dirty voting roles = dirty elections.
    In 2019, 2.5 million extra names were on the roles. Counties in Pennsylvania are not cleaning their list, people that are dead and moved away, where the county even knows they moved away, are not cleaning up their list. Deeply disturbing.

    Again, there is no citizenship verification for aliens. Most states have no voter ID at all or inadequate voter ID. Most states have no real bar if you show up to vote without an ID or acceptable ID is so broad, you might as well not even have voter ID at all. States like California, sending out tens of millions of ballots to people unasked. New Jersey, New York, Illinois, DC. 15 big states have no voter ID. 25 have sub-standard voter ID. 10 states have strong voter ID requirements. So millions of people don’t have to show ID to vote? Is that ok? Do you feel reassured that elections will be clean and fair in those localities?

    The left will always act like there is no voter fraud or it’s not substantial. One vote can make or break a race. Should your legal vote be negated and then added with an illegal vote? The reason why we have votes in the first place is to have a clean count.

    I am calling for more eyes on between Democrat Governors and their IT architecture when it comes to election fraud. It appears the Governors seem to have various sup-groups within the IT department including: (1) IT infrastructure & vendor products, (2) infrastructure management groups and (3) physical facility groups. For example, the IT infrastructure & vendor products group takes care of application developers, super coders, processing new voting applications, customer service systems, computers, data security & privacy, platform development for the institution, servers, processing chips, web based management services, architecture, and dealing with phone calls. Whereas the other known as the infrastructure management gang is a different IT group which Democrat Governors probably appoint which have very high tech talented people who are top fight talent that control the tech network and are made up of engineers mixed with some radical low tech people with a lot of familiarity of the existing ways, but don’t have deep technology skills because their job is to make sure the job is complete and the job is done. Especially since a lot of the job is automated. Last, there is usually a third group of IT under the Democrat Governors that are facility people who maintain the physical security of the data centers and can add new servers in the data center and make sure we don’t run out of power. Somewhere between the line of the Democrat Governors and their state and local IT groups is where all of the election fraud is going on this year and we must find the IT problem before they give us rigged results.

  4. michaelbizon444 says:

    Sen. Mike Lee wrote a bill to allow unlimited foreign graduates to take well payed American jobs. Illegals drive down unskilled labor and now every Republican Sen but one Sen. Rick Scott FL voted to pass the end to your own kids going to university and getting a job in their own country! Shame on you Mike Lee! Call/email your senators today and stop s.386 Shortage sends US citizens to school, we can't be the cheap job connection for the whole ding dong world!
    Mike Lee want's to Supply GOOGLE all the low wage Trained IT personnel they can use from Red China and India. What a sham he is. How can he have fooled you so badly OAN? Did you even ask why he was trying to keep American kids out of Silicon Valley Jobs?

  5. Carnivore Whisperer says:

    Google is so guilty of this, yet they keep lying and denying. It's not difficult to prove. Search for anything political on Google, such as COVID or masks and you get results that follow the narrative. Do the exact same search using a different search engine, such as Yahoo or Bing, and you get different results. Some will be the same but usually after the different ones you get at the top. The first ones will not follow the narrative. For instance, there's a lot of controversy on mask wearing and the lack of scientific evidence that supports the benefit of using them. However, you would never know that if you only use Google to search.

  6. Airbornejoe1986 says:

    Of course Google is violating all kinds of laws I honestly think that they spy on us and listen to us……. Example: couple of weeks ago I was in the truck with my wife and I mentioned that I was actually thinking about buying a metal detector…..I never looked one up online nothing like that……. I get home get on the net and there's a lot of ads for metal detectors from google……Ummmmm that's really strange considering I've never searched for them on the net.

  7. Cece Danielsen says:

    It's time to break the Google monopoly and it's time to elect politicians to do something about it. We all know that the Republicans and Democrats who do nothing about it is because they are getting a lot of money from big tech companies. Vote yo reelect President Trump so he can finish draining the swamp monsters. TRUMP/PENCE 2020

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