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47 replies
  1. A B says:

    MOST OF ALL….camel harris!!!!!!!!!!!! NEEDS TO BE IMPRISONED ASAP!!!!
    camel harris IS A "BAD HUMAN BEING"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. IStandStrongAndProud says:

    Biden: "But…but…but I have to be president! We had balloons, fireworks and all! They even made up this nifty sign for me! The 'media' has selected me! I have to be president now!"
    Go back to sleep Joe. It's only a dream.

  3. Daniel Kahawaii says:

    90% efficacy of Pfizer vaccine, MIRRORS, 90% efficacy of MAINSTREAM MEDIA controlled by 6 big corps[es].

    the 10% no body wants to discuss? see president-elect Joe Biden; pop; the big guy; my chair, man.

    COVID-19 kills ONLY Biden voters.

    go Vols

  4. David Schumaker says:

    Explain how a "virus" with a 99+% survival rate gets the whole world vaccinated? This is about money and enslavement of the population. There is definitely something nefarious going on here. My guess…depopulation.

  5. Brandon Rich says:

    Americans will extend the same respect that Democrats had served out. That's Fair, yes? It ain't Jan 20 2021 yet. What are you afraid of? Oh right, the TRUTH! 😜😂😜

  6. Fred Fred says:

    There is not a vote in or out of congress going back to 2008 thats not in question now. How old is domion? How many times had the program been used? Was it used to pass legislation or regulations? Everything is now untrustworthy

  7. Vito Scaleta says:

    How’s is this vaccine 90% effective? I keep hearing this number but I don’t explanation as to how’s that is possible 🤔 How many test trials were ran? Idk🤦‍♂️ God help us all

  8. Rowan J167 says:

    CERN is planning to use the Hadron Collider to open a portal to hell to prevent Trump getting a second term. The Collider is one of the seven seals of the apocalypse!

  9. A Tale of Two Mice says:

    PATRIOT RALLY IN WASH. D.C. THIS SATURDAY NOV. 14th – – Join the Million Maga March! Timing is crucial. Please tell your friends! If you can't come please spread the word via social media THANKS!

  10. An Impressionist says:

    Senator Marsha Blackburn is a strong and a genuine conservative leader. Thanks Senator for all what you have done in the Senate and for your steady support to the best USA President ever, President Trump.

  11. John Doberstein says:

    America is rated 62nd in the world when it comes to fair and clean elections. The whole world knows America has a problem with voter fraud. we must do better . Trump 2020 Cleanup the system , Make America Great Again

  12. Just Me says:

    Severe weather alert: keep your plywood up on your windows as hurricane TRUMP will make his way through all 50 states causing massive truth and justice in its path. A few after-storm pockets of low pressure systems, often referred to the demon-rats in meteorology terms, will persist well after this massive storm. FEMA has advised you to plan appropriately ensuring you have sufficient amounts of Champaign, noise makers, fireworks, and MAGA HATS to see you through this process.

  13. J T says:

    Inovio Pharmaceuticals vaccine is the only true vaccine against Covid-19 with no side effects as concerning as Pfizer. Further, it's DNA vaccine is stable at room temperature, and may be kept for over a year without refrigeration and up to 5 years with refrigeration.
    Pfizer's vaccine has been reported to have caused many side effects in those who have been inoculated and some have experienced very severe and concerning symptoms too.

  14. J T says:

    Trump will prevail. Biden will never ever see the walls of the Oval Office but he and Hunter may see the
    walls of their cell. Many world leaders are supporting President Trump.

  15. Marie Devine says:

    This is our Creator and Savior at work; MUCH evil is being exposed all at once. This will end the Democrat Party's evil plans and leave them no power. The law of "Do unto others as you would have done unto you" is about to hit Democrats. Hopefully, they will cry unto the Savior and tell Satan they refused to be used by him any longer. Confess sins and God forgives sins; and for us "righteous" folks, forgive others so we can be forgiven. Free heart and mind of fear, hatred, condemnation, false witness, and manipulation. Live in God's freedom and love.

    This is all the height of power of our God. REJOICE ALL. We all play a part, depending on whether we want God to rule our lives or not. We ALL fit into God's triumphant plan somewhere. Choose the good part.

  16. Oh well says:

    If people want to vote absentee they had 4 years to request one from their state Voter Registration office. Simple to do and get verified address and residence and receive a registered voter card. All these mail ins are illegal and can not be verified. Trump 2020

  17. Lug Wrench says:

    If the Common Cold was regarded as a pandemic, and if Common Cold Testing was done on the national scale, the testing results would be off the charts, and we'd all be in Common Cold Lockdown.

  18. Lug Wrench says:

    Civil war is the only option we have that has enough power to implement real change.
    In the absence of that, you can expect a lot more of the same old horseshit.

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