
Records released to Judicial Watch revealed Joe Biden’s son Hunter took 411 separate flights on government aircraft to 29 different foreign countries. Five of those trips were to China alone. One America’s John Hines caught up with Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who has said those flights raise questions about the former vice president’s judgment.

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36 replies
  1. Jill Comfort says:

    Have Hunter reimburse America for all those trips! Oh, but he will have to add up all the drugs, alcohol, and prostitutes he bought using tax payers money too!

  2. Jill Comfort says:

    Arrest Biden and son, and mafia crime family for all their and his proven evidenced theft and crimes against America, our economy, blacks, and all law abiding, tax paying LEGAL US CITIZENS!

  3. BAD KARMA says:

    Part of the reason it went from “our government” to “the government”. Trump is trying to make it ours again and Marxists liberals are PO’d…

  4. Katrenna says:

    The person he picks as his running mate is who will be running the country… with the help of the rest of the democRATS… basement joe is just the pathetic store front.. he knows it.. where's his pride and dignity? Of thats right, I forgot, they went out with his plagiarism..

  5. Stewart Denton says:

    Does anyone really believe Biden will actually run for president? What if he gets 329 million mail in votes. Will we have a Virtual President. Like now with the House of Pelosi show instead of a house of Representatives. Start defunding absent House Representatives. Send the money to businesses and people struggling to survive.

  6. Told Ya So says:

    OAN is putting in the hard work and it clearly shows ,
    It’s in depth, informative and non biased news , just truth and the hard facts keep it up

  7. tonybrooms says:

    I believe AG Barr indicated that there would be no investigations into a candidate for President … so it appears that Biden will get away with all of his corruption while VP.

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