
Reports have suggested the son of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi may have used her position to benefit financially. One America’s Kara McKinney has more.

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31 replies
  1. Joe S says:

    Pelosi and son are exactly alike, both stumble with their words, and make very little sense. "Oh I'm just here for this soccer thing" Nah what is that really covering for?

  2. Freeman Horton says:

    they don't wanna be blown, that's the main reason why the swamp wants to impeach a legitimate elected president asap !
    they in need to cover up fishy acts, scandals by any cost!

  3. AK Man says:

    Guys, this is the tip of the tip of the iceberg…. I guarantee you all the democrats have their hands in corruption… itll all come out.

  4. Charles Fricke says:

    Why is this being overlooked by media and BIDENS dealings while TRUMP gets impeached in a DISGRACEFUL RIGGED SHAM THIS is totally unfair PELOSI needs to pay for her actions and this video must be shared for everyone to see

  5. Eyeball 12 says:

    Honestly, is anyone surprised about this? They cant have an outsider coming in and taking away all the millions and millions of dollars we stole for our family, and girlfriends and boyfriends. We are RICH!!!!! CONGRESS IS AWSOME!

  6. Maryslamb1519 Maryslamb1519 says:

    How many more thieving DemonRats got rich this way? And other unscrupulous means? Do you think the evil Left is. For KILLING FULLL TERM BABIES…FOR NOTHING? FULL TERM BABIES HAVE HEALTHY TISSUE AND ORGANS TO HARVEST FOR THE RICH. WHEN BODY PARTS ARE BEING SOLD TO THE BLACK MARKET IT IS A VERY VERY LUCRATIVE. BUSINESS! Remember…. People (babies) must be alive to harvest and use the parts!!!!!!!! THINK ABOUT IT ….. RESEARCH IT… PLEASE!!!!!

  7. hokeypokeyalso1 says:

    Here’s what the democrats don’t want YOU to know!!
    Nancy Pelosi's Son Was Exec At Gas Company That Did Business In Ukraine – National File
    Joe Biden Brags about getting Ukrainian Prosecutor Fired
    Don’t forget Romney’s son was involved in this also.

  8. eileen ward says:

    Biden ,Pelosi, Romney, Kerry,Clinton ,this is why they impeached Trump for there crimes the all have kids in these jobs ! These people in office are scum of the earth they judged and put Trump down daily for there crimes ! Adam Shift is involved also ¡

  9. Joe Holton says:

    They got caught funding terrorist acts to cause gun bans too. What was caught when Trump who wasn't president at the time called to deport Syrian refugees who'd taken part in terrorist acts and got caught after they'd purposely done Maria Morales in Trump's hotel in A.C. Oct 2015 to steer his decision to run. They'd gotten caught by the DOD who'd went to Trump just before Homeland Security announced it had to break into the iPhone they'd already had what was on because who's and to make investigations legit. I wonder what phones Hillary and Obama had after deleting emails and smashing Blackberries…

  10. justin carroll says:

    The hole family stands for crime corruption and theft. As with all the other Democrat trash and there kids.And lets face it most of there votes come from work shy bums and fake asylum seekers wanting a free life on welfare and the usual undesirables.

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