
After Hours catches up with Scott Presler — a conservative activist – to discuss the “Stop the Steal” campaign and warn that if corruption exists and is not exposed this will be the last real meaningful election this nation will ever see.

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31 replies
  1. Galaxias Colles says:

    I'm thankful I don't have kids. When your kids are sick with diabetes, heart problems, lung problems, from coronavirus, what will Republicans say? Glad I'll never have to do that. These Republicans, who have willfully put their children in harm's way to appease Trump, will have to tell them. They will say that the Republicans said it was a hoax, so I sent you to school. They said it wasn't deadly, so I sent you to church. I'll never have to say to my kids " you are all sick because of lies the republican party spread, and I willfully went along with them, at the cost of your health. Think about that

  2. Aaron Cooper says:

    Scott Presler, when the Supreme Court says you can no longer marry your boyfriend because same sex marriage infringes on someone's "religious freedom" remember all the support you gave to Trump to take your rights away. Finally there is a deadline on counting votes and lawsuits do not change that fact.

  3. albarlow 2 says:

    Yes we should all hit the streets and show our support of the president! Even better donate some money to the legal fund to help pay for the lawsuits. And even better may the law be applied correctly and the truth be formed for the American people.

  4. Francisco Guzman says:

    Lawyers for the Trump campaign have dropped a lawsuit seeking a review of all ballots cast on Election Day after finding that the margin of victory for the presidential contest in Arizona could not be overcome. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  5. MrGillymac says:

    The question is why must u register to vote instead of just showing a certificate of live birth … you must register into there system called a DEMOCRACY. . In the peoples republic you would never have to register… get a blacks law 4th and look up the word register… you all pledge Allegiance to a republic then say it's a MAJORITY RULE DEMOCRACY… the constitution GUARANTEE a republic form of government to the STATES look it up .. in an AGE of INFORMATION IGNORANCE is a CHOICE

  6. AL M says:

    Can a OAN rep. come to my home OR business, so we can show viewers how to Double Check – IF our individual votes ARE actually accounted for ??
    All these shenanigans lead ME to believe that President Trump also WON California !!!
    I am disgusted with all this lawlessness !!

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