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42 replies
  1. Joey says:

    1:28 Contract the virus, but have no antibodies?
    That not how immunity work.
    If your body fights off a virus it is because it has made antibodies to defeat it.

  2. xray251 says:

    Sober up is a pretty funny message coming from a drunk. While he was the Mayor of San Francisco in 2007, he attended substance abuse rehabilitation classes and he was also accused of using cocaine. I think he still using.

  3. Memento Mori says:

    Newsome and garcetti are the worst politicians. They can’t even lie like a politician. Facial expressions and body language usually give a liar away. I’ve never seen that many tells when a person speaks. Its actually fun to listen to them when I need a laugh

  4. Michelle Sung says:

    Oh, he shut down the Bars, wineries while his own winnery was open the entire July 4th weekend! Then he gets economic stimulus package from SBA PPP loan while thousands of small business like mine for 36years is drowning, can't pay the business expenses while he create over 60 BILLION deficit. Now he's cutting all the state workers by 10% salery while he continues to get his big fat salery! Sick BASTARDS!


    Virus is fake the pandemic is fake, NUMBERS are lies, there is zero scientific evidence for these Numbers they are fake they are made up out of thin air. Flatten the curve is the same exact script every Corona Dictatorship uses all over the world, it is all scripted, all these Dictatorships are reading from the exact same playbook, doing the exact same, for the same supposed reasons using the same exact ideas, using the same words, using the same threats, it's fake People, it's your human rights and freedoms that are no more and you are too stupid yo realize it and do something.


    Ironic that when tens of thousands March hand in hand side by side they are protected by this anti-viral force field, logically scientifically that is not possible since anything known of the VIRUSHOAX is based upon authority when that authority makes so glaring error one must reject authority and the virus story must be a hoax.

  7. Walter Polowski says:

    What else can we expect from Nancy Pelosi's nephew Gavin Newsome? Corrupt democrats killing the CA economy and pushing Nancy Pelosi's agenda bc its election year!!

  8. Chris Blair says:

    How does this harm Trumps re-election. This scum bag needs to go. Why isnt he removed from office? He is screwing California. Citizens arrest. Go after this traitor. This is Tyranny. Tar and feathers put him in stocks. How much longer are you people going to take this.

  9. BL Meyer says:

    Dr Fauci is NOT the ONLY expert on viruses and Dr Fauci seems to keep changing his opinions depending on pressure from DEMs President Trump should have a BOARD of 12 EXPERTS in the field of Viruses and they can inform President on FACTS not OPINIONS and President TRUMP will make decisions on FACTS not political opinions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dr Fauci can NOT make any MONEY on any VACCINE! PERIOD FULL STOP

  10. Ed Sanjenis says:

    Why is Governor Newson not removed for breakings the constitution law, he infringe Californians civil rights; you imagine if Trump did this, he be impeached. There has to be a way to remove rogue governors like Newsom.

  11. P G says:

    Lies, Lies and More Lies
    Even the nice neighborhoods have homeless encampments around the corner. More lockdowns. Less jobs. Newsom is putting very specific restrictions on our religious FREEDOM. Children are being taught communist ideologies. It's disgusting. Newsom lives comfortably while Californians become homeless at an alarming rate. It literally looks like a 3rd world country in California.

  12. Jerome Kennedy says:

    Started to drop my question is this, why do they keep talking about waves when waves don't necessarily have to happen. What kind of waves were there for the swine flu?? How many waves for Ebola, for the Spanish flu, for AIDS, all of these things they didn't talk about waves they didn't talk about shutting down the country. We simply handled it. So why all the fuss about this dangerous radical flu. They say this is unprecedented it's not unprecedented

  13. crashingtiger says:

    100% Hoax pandemic. An evil planned agenda for power and control over the population. Do not comply. Masks filter bacteria not virus. We have cheap safe anti-virals that make this nothing more than a flu bug. The ones perpetuating this hoax are complicit in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the willful unnecessary destruction of our economy. Do not inject new MRNA vaccines—they will alter your DNA, they are new tech you will no longer be the human you once were, vaccine is only for profit and control over you, 100% unnecessary. No such thing as a vaccine for a corona virus and there never will be one.

  14. Terry Lee says:

    $60,000,000,000 short fall.
    That's BILLION ! Not million.
    Democrats should never again be in any office.

  15. Michael Ragnanese says:

    I live in the Philippines and the Corona Virus is not that bad here.
    It's just being use to promote government control over people's lives.
    As far as testing is concern the only people who get tested for the virus are those who show signs of being sick.
    What we did have here was strict Quartine rules and miltary check points to enforce them.
    The restictions are letting up, but the government won't let schools open until a vaccine is available. Resturants and churches can open at 50%. Mask wearing is strictly enforced. Every where you go your temperature is checked and your hands washed.

  16. Lindy Lund says:

    He doesn't get it. It won't bring down Trump. They won't blame Trump. They are waking up and will blame Newsome and his "auntie" among others.

  17. Red Pill says:

    They’re experiencing record deaths. My daughter in Tennessee has tested positive for Covid. She’s doing fine. Minor symptoms. No more than a Summer cold. Newsom is doing the scare mongering again.

  18. Linda Diehl says:

    Many Californians are Conservatives — we've just been under Democrat, Marxist control for decades. We're not stupid and many WILL vote RED and Trump2020!! But…. How long has Nancy Pelosi been in control of the US House? That's AT LEAST as long as California has been controlled by the Dems! Gavin is Nancy's trained lap-dog nephew. And yes, California is under aTIGHT Marxist fist!! We know it, and are fighting!! YOU must FIGHT with us!! Vote Trump2020 and VOTE RED across the boards to help us!!

  19. Erwin Lbj says:


  20. Robin Nelson says:

    Why would all the BS that the left is doing be blamed on Trump? Trump raised the economy and jobs, etc…, EVERYONE can see who is tearing America down, and it AIN'T TRUMP!!

  21. Linda Oliver says:

    what I don't understand why are people listening to him what I don't understand why aren't people going back to their lives what I don't understand why they let their businesses go just because he says so once you realize it didn't make sense I would have all gone back to work and would have gone back to school would have done all these things.

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