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45 replies
  1. annacolleen wesson etters says:

    I 'm surprised that msm pushes the insanity that's been going on for the last few months, since all it really does is push people to vote for Trump. So glad that OAN believes in telling the truth!

  2. Anita Urban says:

    Why is this called "Stop the tape"? 90% of the time the person barely gets out a few words before this guy continues his rant.
    Just call it "OAN commentor rants for 5 mins". Not much to see here!!!

  3. ben sehon says:

    Lol your destiny is going to be the mentality agonizing in attempt to figure out how you fell for a person with a lying used car salesman if he hadn't inherited millions $ and sold his name as a brand that is the only thing he has made money off if i bet its going to be like a doctor telling you that for the last 4 yrs you have been suffering with Stockholm Syndrome goggle it Ok lets start with Iran congratulations you just fell into bed with China and have a bright future. 4 yrs ago we where making our way into controlling china's take over of the Indonesia ocean and the north continues of the mainland china and same for iran trump killed both and we are now outside looking in . China is buying soybeans and corn from South America trump has the world laughing at us we produced by far the most pollution we zero health care under trump 4 yrs he did nothing to help the poor your so out of touch with the people's needs a wants and trump is only given you more hate and fear i know 40% of you are just deplorable racist drop outs but the rest of you know what I'm saying is true

  4. paul byrd says:

    I want the Federal Reserve abolished!!!!!! That would be a great start!!!!! Have we learned anything from history? We lost our freedom in 1913 thanks to the progressive one world government politicians!!!!!

  5. Mig Mo says:

    Mubarack Hussein Obama is the Enemy of MY country the United States of America. The World will not recover from a United States of America going down the path of Crony Capitalism coupled with Globalist Socialism. The world will spiral in to the most corrupt, greedy fighting and nobody will be immune to the consequences. Joe Biden is not fit! He IS the Manchurian Candidate!

  6. Chas L says:

    That MORON shouldnt be leading people acrossed the street let alone our country. And to think we didn't kick his stupid ass to the curb after his first term. Unbelievable.

  7. ssn0651 says:

    Look at the stock market when it became apparent Obama would be elected . It took a huge drop . When it became apparent Trump would be elected the market took off . Obama blamed the drop on Bush and claimed the Trump rally was due to his policies .

  8. Robert Carver says:

    Only issue that matters is voter fraud. 30 million fraudulent votes in 2016, there will be 40 million this time. Not only POTUS but all those moron Democrats in Congress. Think about 241 counties deciding more than 50% of the vote and all 241 have more than 100% eligible voter turnout, which is 60% fraudulent.

  9. Misha Rasic says:

    I'm in my 50s . ON SS W CANCER. .."""IF"""" IF I was a selfish pig, I'd want Biden to get elected. BUT WE """ALL""" know BIDEN WILL SINK AMERICA IN 2 YEARS AFTER THE MASS GOVT. SPENDING!!! I care about All Americans which is why We MUST VOTE TRUMP

  10. John Stewart says:

    How did we get OBama? Answer: he delivered the nominating speech at one DNC convention, then was rushed on stage as the candidate at the next. He was never properly vetted. I was proud that our nation could nominate a black man. I never knew about Jeremiah Wright, Valerie Jarrett, his practice of Islam, his whole-hearted adoption of Rules for Radicals, not to mention his birth and education questions, and his wife’s open hatred for whites. Ironically, FBI and DOJ, under democratic leadership were trying to vet Trump, who has been in the public eye for 50 years. Not their job, but maybe we need some vetting agency? DNC failed.

  11. Erwin Lbj says:


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