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20 replies
  1. nobillclinton says:

    'The crazy Rocket man' is the least of our worries. The witch that is pictured on your screen is the poster child for 'The enemies within' Our Republic. They've now shown their hand. They are whores of the Global Corporate Fascists; tools of the coup. Make no mistake, they are in media, academia, healthcare, city, county, state bureaucracies, religious organizations, unelected NGO's , all working in consort to capture and subsume Our Republic. They are a pernicious and vile disease that must be eradicated at all cost. The gloves must come off, folks. Is your freedom and that of your children, worth fighting for? Time to start taking these 'soulless ghouls' out to lunch. Make sure that they're too stuffed to move.

  2. Jerry Dick says:

    Tyranny is alive and well. It has already occured. Each governor etc which engaged in this conduct has violated the constitutional rights of every single citizen of their states. 5he consequences of this are what ? Treason? I mean the only way to stop this is to take the individual states rights of independence away. This ends the United States and brings us one step closer to centralised government and one world order

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