
As the nation hits a peak in the number of COVID-19 deaths, researchers are working around the clock to uncover possible life-saving treatments. One America’s Jenn Pellegrino has more from the White House.

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42 replies
  1. Fmlyman 1012 says:

    If they would have reported flu deaths in 2018 like they are doing now would it have been basically the same? Maybe we need to rethink this whole situation and find out what’s really going on🤔 🇺🇸👍🥃

  2. GDPops says:

    Does the esteemed doctor's models that project up to 200,000 U.S. deaths account for the use of life saving therapeutic medicines? NOPE… Maybe that’s why the morbidity models are grossly overstated & actual rates will continue to outperform those models
    Let's get our country open again

  3. Starla Roberts says:

    They refuse to use anything President Trump mentions!! Yea just like they faught tooth n nail on closing our borders as well, we all see the results from Deep States open borders BS!! Release HYDROCHLORIQUINE and save lives!! Drain and IMPEACH the House n start over, NEW FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE OF THE PEOPLE! WWG1WGA!! PRESIDENT TRUMP FOR 2020!!

  4. Shon Hall says:

    I guess that means the Leftist Media and the Democrats will be saying bad things about Remdesivir now. NEVER in my life have I EVER seen the Media and Democrat party so DILLUSIONAL and INSANE. Trump and Pence 2020!!!! #firefauci

  5. Gregory Mathers says:

    Let's have some critical reporting. HCQ has more of a track record, is cheaper, and has better results. Report that! I would hate to have to lump OANN with all the other MSM.

  6. NONVISI says:

    My fellow Americans, I am a veteran US Army 1998 – 2008. I plea with you to see this network for what they really are. ENEMY OF THE STATE. PROPAGANDA MACHINE. turn away America.

  7. Carl Manerhaim says:

    US populations should be healed by CNN communist calls for the overthrow of President Trump.
    And even better is the “sound therapy” of the mad old woman Pelosi and other congressional geeks.

  8. Steve Hurley says:

    So, we are up to about 7 drugs that will CURE the virus, YET all people can talk about is "social distancing, quarantines, suspension of the Constitution, and a total shutdown of everyday americas life. AND WE HAVE 7 CURES!! If a disease can be CURED in 5 days with readily available INEXPENSIVE DRUGS, that have already been approved by the WHERE IN THE HELL IS THE FUCKING CRISIS. Why should people sit in their home quaking with FEAR, when 99% of them WILL NOT GET SICK ENOUGH TO BE HOSPITALIZED. AND even if they are unfortunate enough to be hospitalized, we have 7 ways to treat the illness, with the best option curing 99% of patients WITHIN 6 DAYS!! And the government is talking social distancing and a police state LASTING YEARS!! Does anybody else out here feel like we've been SCAMED?

  9. FindLiberty says:

    Expensive IV drug (or 50% get the trial's, "placebo" fluid?) while in the hospital? No thanks.
    I'd rather gamble on Dr. Zev's OUTPATIENT (oral) 5-day regime of Hydroxychloroquine, Zinc Sulfate w/possible Z-Pack.

  10. Janet Higgins says:

    Company producing Remedisivir is linked to George Soros…would be very interested in knowing the other familiar names that are tied$ to this drug…HYDROXYCHLOROQINE IS CHEAP ,no one getting rich from it,no wonder MSM ,experts trying to stop it's use!

  11. John Young says:

    It's all about the money! Hydroxychoroquine cost $1.00 which means the drug companies can't inflate the retail price 100+tlmes the cost to make a killing! Remdesivir is putting down @150M to run it's trials including the china trials. If you dig into it you will see that a chunk of the trials is being done outside of the US to speed up the process. They are suppose to have initial data by the end March! In contrast, the FDA said that trials with Hydrochloroquine won't be finished till next year or basically until way after we're all infected or dead! I'm for any drug that will help fight off this virus. But this just shows how when there is the potential that big money is to be made the BS and red tape goes away!

  12. John F says:

    Trump will not be allowed to have a win on his suggestion that these drugs were promising. Watch how the narrative changes when it is found that these treatments that were called Snake Oil by the MSM work.

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