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32 replies
  1. Suntouso says:

    We need to have the President of America, Donald J Trump to order the Federal Marshalls to take Charge of Democratic city’s police offices . The police chiefs then would be under Federal control and be able to arrest the Rioters and BLM and ANTIFA.

  2. joe memeh says:

    They called the police right? If they could handle the situation why call law enforcement? The officers repeatedly told him to drop the knife before they took him down. It's an unfortunate situation but they had to defend themselves.

  3. dog bone says:

    Every one of these police shootings was justified. They can be stopped if the people quit committing crimes. Parents of these criminals were the problem to begin with.

  4. TO GOD BE THE GLORY says:

    STUPID FAMILY MEMBERS! THEY COULDN'T STOP THEIR SON because they are afraid (to die or they are "cowards to pacify) SO THEY CALLED FOR HELP, NOW BLAME THE HELPER. MAYBE THEY WANT………………..REPARATION FEE. Another way to justify looting

  5. JBL NYC says:

    Why do these people always blame the police for killing low life, violent, crazy criminals with long rap sheets!? They have to be removed from civilized society one way or another!!!

  6. jenni0278 says:

    If you bring a knife to a gun fight you're going to lose. Everyone has a right to defend themselves and our law enforcement is paid to defend us as well as themselves.

  7. markinaction1 says:

    There is nothing else that could have been done. Taser Vs a Knife. Really? How freaking stupid can you be? If you don’t like the actions of police officers. Then handle your own business. Don’t call for them to help!

  8. david Greene says:

    As a white man I’m lucky , I know if I charged a police officer with a knife, the cops would just keep retreating until I got tired ,then safely disarm me ,then give me hugs until I calmed down. Yeah that’s how it works. Enough of this nonsense. Law and order Trump 2020.

  9. anthony joseph says:

    How can we as black people ever trust you people when you're always finding people who resemble you guys innocent and people that look like me I'm a black male guilty so how can we ever learn to trust we never get a fair Shake in court

  10. Evil Exposed says:

    Trump says: “We will keep the country open while protecting the most vulnerable”. Is that true? Find any vulnerable person (anyone over the age of 65 will do) and ask them what Trump is doing to protect them? The honest answers are: “I don’t know” or “nothing”. Just another Trump Lie! In fact, Trump is doing the opposite by not mandating masks in public areas and instead “down playing” (lying about) the usefulness of lock-downs and using masks as is evident in how other countries managed this pandemic. All the US had to do is lock-down for six weeks the affected regions to get a hold of the pandemic and almost everything could have returned back to normal starting in mid to end of February. Much fewer people would have died. Instead, the pandemic continues to rage and kill people MORE THAN EVER!!! The virus is alive in America and is being exported to other countries. Great America? Really? Just Embarrassing Right?

  11. Leslie Page says:

    I really like your commentary on this. It concerns me that the next narrative will be that officers are not justified in protecting themselves because of the perpetrator’s “mental health.”

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